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 Post subject: 200m Firemaking
PostPosted: March 18th, 2023, 3:22 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

Joined: October 13th, 2005, 9:18 pm
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Happy that this is my first 200m skill. Never thought I would ever hit this milestone. But, here we are!

Come a long way since my original 99 Firemaking goal thread. How do you like them apples, Mike? :P

RSBANDBInformer! Gaming Writer: 08/31/2011-09/30/15
RSBandB Donor since 07/01/2010
82nd Dragon Member since 05/12/2010
RSBandB Member #517
Current Activities: Ports, Dailies/Monthlies, DXP
Skill Masteries: Firemaking, Cooking, Woodcutting, Fletching, Mining, Agility, Prayer, Smithing, Fishing, Summoning, Construction, Herblore, Hunter, Thieving, Crafting, Divination, Dungeoneering, Farming, Runecrafting, Slayer, Magic, Ranged, Defence, Constitution, Attack, Strength, Invention & 1st Max (3/9/19), Archaeology & 2nd Max (4/16/21), 200m Firemaking, Necromancy

 Post subject: Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear
PostPosted: March 18th, 2023, 3:22 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

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 Post subject: Re: 200m Firemaking
PostPosted: March 25th, 2023, 11:20 am 
Dragon Member

Joined: May 26th, 2008, 7:27 am
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RS Name: JessePinkman
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You actually made it huh? Never thought I'd see the day :mrgreen: congrats!!! What a journey


ImageImageImageImage ImageImageImage

653rd to 120 Divination
550th to 200m Divination

 Post subject: Re: 200m Firemaking
PostPosted: April 7th, 2023, 5:09 pm 
Mithril Member

Joined: February 3rd, 2005, 5:55 am
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RS Name: Matt258
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Clan Name: The Slayers Guild
Woot! Congrats on getting 200M Firemaking! Welcome to the Club :) What's next? Yeah I remember your Goal thread for it

My Youtube name is: birdman258 200MCook ProfitCook 200mPrayer MakinWines MyF2pSkillers
Twitch: Matt258RS Twitter: Matt258RS
Make like a tree & burn :)

 Post subject: Re: 200m Firemaking
PostPosted: April 8th, 2023, 6:10 pm 
Dragon Member

Joined: October 7th, 2005, 5:06 am
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RS Name: Punisher1288
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Clan Name: The Cookie Armada
Congratulations . How many logs would you estimate to get to 200 million experience? Also, what happens now when you burn a log?

*Member #514*
*Rsbandb Donor*

 Post subject: Re: 200m Firemaking
PostPosted: July 17th, 2023, 7:14 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

Joined: October 13th, 2005, 9:18 pm
Posts: 3366
Location: USA us
RS Name: Duke Juker
RS Status: P2P
Clan Name: Clan Quest
Flash wrote:
You actually made it huh? Never thought I'd see the day :mrgreen: congrats!!! What a journey

Right! It's all a matter of time and patience. :P

spark fearow wrote:
Woot! Congrats on getting 200M Firemaking! Welcome to the Club :) What's next? Yeah I remember your Goal thread for it

Honestly, I'm just happy with the one. I think my next one will be Farming. If I stay consistent with farming runs. It's the only skill I've been training consistently to even consider making it to 200m. After that, maybe Thieving? No guarantees, though.

Kyle wrote:
Congratulations . How many logs would you estimate to get to 200 million experience? Also, what happens now when you burn a log?

Not sure. A lot though. And with logs being way more expensive than the old days, not the best way to go. Mostly trained in Jadinkos Lair. Best way to go on members these days. Also, having the Adze relic from Archaeology makes it even better to train since the Adze sucks and you don't need to use Prayer points to keep it active.

Pretty sure now when I burn a log, I just look at the log and it starts on fire for me. They no longer resist the inevitable. 8)

RSBANDBInformer! Gaming Writer: 08/31/2011-09/30/15
RSBandB Donor since 07/01/2010
82nd Dragon Member since 05/12/2010
RSBandB Member #517
Current Activities: Ports, Dailies/Monthlies, DXP
Skill Masteries: Firemaking, Cooking, Woodcutting, Fletching, Mining, Agility, Prayer, Smithing, Fishing, Summoning, Construction, Herblore, Hunter, Thieving, Crafting, Divination, Dungeoneering, Farming, Runecrafting, Slayer, Magic, Ranged, Defence, Constitution, Attack, Strength, Invention & 1st Max (3/9/19), Archaeology & 2nd Max (4/16/21), 200m Firemaking, Necromancy

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