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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 3:33 pm 

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Well creepy, in a world according to shane, I would probably be locked up for inciting public disturbance.


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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 4:05 pm 
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CreepyPirate wrote:
Why do you guys always presume other countries are the same there just not "free" enough to abuse it? What about the entire European continent? Australia? Japan? Canada? You can guarentee your gov isn't alone in records like this. I'm betting almost all countries have them. Guarentee we do.

Taking care of him will do nothing. Someone else will step up and take over. Gotta solve the actual problem and that's the information getting out to people like this guy.

As for policing the internet. How? Whos in charge of that then? How do you control something like the internet? They can't even stop films being leaked or albums and they put people in prison for that ******* No chance in hell they'll have any effect. It'll be a huge drain on money and people.

I'm not saying that other countries are less free, I'm an international traveler and student, I've both studied and traveled. What I am saying is that not many countries have as polarized and insidious internal politics as the US does ATM. With Obama Derangement Syndrome running amok, there are people (and a considerable number) that will try to hurt the Obama administration at all costs, even at the price of leaking sensitive documents on the internet for everyone to see. I'm not sure if it's a problem of a lack of security alone, but also this political problem.

As for internet police, they'd be hunting down more hackers that are trying to steal identities, credit cards, identities, etc. along with child pornographers and the like. They also would cooperate with national governments to keep truly sensitive information where it should be. Trivial matters like music and movie piracy truly shouldn't be a concern. The internet does need policing, it's way too big to keep on being the digital "wild west" that it has been.

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 4:21 pm 
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Shane wrote:
Sunset Fish wrote:
I love Julian Assange.
I find what he is doing, hilarious. really.
Now they are saying he's on the most wanted list, for a "rape" in Sweden I believe. In my opinion. they are pinning that on him as a cover. So you can put him behind bars. since governments can't do a **** thing about his leaks.

fight the power!

That's the problem, it's not hilarious. Lives are at stake. Lives of human beings are at stake because of his decisions.

@Duke and anyone else who is concerned about the leaker Of course the internet isn't secure but if you were presented with information like this would you do the same, that is publish information rather than returning it to the source?

I think what he is doing is just fine, but it's not funny in any way. I mean, come on, I pay for this **** to happen, at least show me what I AM PAYING AND VOTING FOR. Things like this could be good, considering it means the government is going to spend a little less time insulting people and a little more time trying to get something done.

Trust me, if the terrorists want the documents, that got them long before the leak. Surely there is someone placed somewhere high up feeding info to the Middle East anyway. Honestly, I think he's a bit like a hero.

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 7:14 pm 

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Warren wrote:
Harper advisor (or something) Tom Flanagan is urging for the assassination of this guy. And I agree, Tom Flanagan should be assassinated. Wait, I guess that's not agreeing with him. Just kidding, no one should assassinate anyone. But I do agree Tom Flangan should loose his positions. Honestly you can't just go out on TV and call for or encourage the murder of anyone, even if you don't like them.

*former advisor. He retired from the advisory position in 2005. That's the thing though, unnecessary blame gets put on Harper because of the former connection. What Tom Flanagan thinks is only what Tom Flanagan thinks, as a conservative political scientist with no bearing or influence on government whatsoever.

However, that's a bit of an aside on the topic.

As I've said before, I really have no strong opinion either way on Wikileaks. The fact that it was the diplomats that were creating these statements is pretty big. Some of them are fairly incriminating, but we have to remember that that did not necessarily mean that if the leak didn't happen that these things described in the documents would come to pass anyway. It's more like parlour room talk among the rich and powerful.

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 8:39 pm 
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? I wasn't saying anything about Harper ? :?: ? If he is/was advisor to Harper, who is highly ranked in Canada, being an advisor to him must mean you are also of a high rank ? So to get the point across that it wasn't some random redneck calling for the lynching of obama (lol wasn't it an influential person in the US that said that though lmfao) but someone who is (or i guess has?? I said or something for a reason because who cares what he is or was but its the fact that he is influential .. therefore i didn't bother to look up what he actually was) in a high ranking influential position. "Loose his positions" is plural... not loose his position as adviser, but loose his positions of everything government or public related.

 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 9:16 pm 

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Yeah I know. But he hasn't been advising him for 5 years now, he stopped before Harper was ever Prime Minister. Rather than a direct response to your post, I'm more annoyed at the media outlets that are trying to capitalize on the scandal by saying things like "former Harper Advisor wants Wikileaks founder assassinated", which i have been seeing a lot of. It's been making it seem like the guy was a current advisor to Harper, which you picked up on, and that's such a blatant attempt at scapegoat by association by the media. Just goes to show that you never can really trust those media corp *******. :P

Couldn't really understand the last part of your post there, but I'll assume you agree with me.

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PostPosted: December 2nd, 2010, 9:16 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 3rd, 2010, 6:19 am 
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Firstly, Hillary Clinton really p**ses me off.

You know what, it may "jeopardize security". But who's fault is that? Maybe they should take more care with sensitive documents if they don't want them out in the open.

It's a crime to break into a building and steal information, or pass it on after you've signed to say you wouldn't. But Julian Assange did neither. He wasn't the one who sourced the information in the first place, and even if the person who first released it did so illegally, it shouldn't be a crime to circulate information which is now out in the open. If Hillary Clinton doesn't want secret documents on the Internet, take more bloody care of them in the first place.

Pennstate315 wrote:
How can he get prosecuted? He didn't do anything. He was given information and posted it on his website.

Exactly the point I was making. Go after the people who got their hands on the information in the first place (if they did so illegally), not some guy who runs a website. The information was compromised when it was taken from wherever it was being stored, not when it was put on the Internet.

Ranging God wrote:
I can see it both way.

He can easily been classified as a terrorist since the war documents the he has released could be gravely harmful to our military.

I agree, it probably will harm the military. But if this says one thing above everything else, it's the fact that the information isn't protected well enough in the first place. These people have got to get it into their heads that once something is made public, there's no going back. Sure, WikiLeaks might make it "more public", but that's all.

Shane wrote:
This just proves the internet needs regulation, it's 2010 and not 1993. The days of the wild wild web are over. Actions on the internet should be treated exactly as they would be treated in real life. He should be prosecuted. I'd even say you could classify wikileaks as aiding a terrorist organization since terrorist organizations can access the documents.

Let's put it this way:
You find a camera with surveillance videos/images on it from your country's spy agency (whatever it may be). I'm not up on my knowledge of legal proceedings in this area but I think if you find government property you have to return it? People had to return debris found from Challenger and Columbia when they found it (ie. government property). Publishing documents on wikileaks for terrorist organizations and other foreign governments to access would be the same as giving the memory card from that camera to a foreign government or terrorist organization.

This case is just showing us that the internet needs regulation. Let me just say that I do support net neutrality but the regulation I am speaking of is regulation of what kind of information can be published by law and what kind of websites can exist. Call it China or whatever you want but in this day and age it's needed.

From a technical standpoint it is possible to remove the DNS references to a website. This basically means that the website still exists but the domain name would no longer work. Governments could go a step further and enact laws that would prevent certain types of websites from being hosted on their soil. Would this work due to the mobile nature of websites? Not all that well.

For more stringent protection to happen internet filtering would have to be adopted by a worldwide body, maybe the UN?

This is just the tip of the iceberg and needs to be dealt with. I address this issue in one of my past Informer articles about what a redesigned internet would look like taking into account modern issues.

I agree that actions on the Internet should be treated the same as in "real life", however I refuse to accept that what WikiLeaks is doing is illegal.

So let's go with your RL surveillance footage. Why should it have to be returned? Why is government property different from some random member of the public. If I find a wallet in the street, sure I'd attempt to find the owner if he's near, but not because that's what I legally have to do- just because I'm a nice guy.

Similarly, if I find government secret surveillance tapes in a street, would I return it? Yes, but again, not because I HAVE to. I wouldn't blame anyone who, in the same situation, keeps the tapes and sends copies to WikiLeaks or the press.

If something is THAT sensitive, the security measures taken to ensure that they don't get out into the open should be immense. Dropping a tape or a memory card in the street is careless, but for information that important, it should never have even been taken out of the building it's kept in.

I'm not one of these ultra-liberal people- I'm not one of those people who thinks all information should be made public no matter what, just for the sake of "freedom of information". I accept that plenty of sensitive military data should ideally be kept secret, but if it gets out into the open through the neglect, mistake or ignorance of the people looking after it, then that's their fault.

Shane wrote:
That's the problem, it's not hilarious. Lives are at stake. Lives of human beings are at stake because of his decisions.

@Duke and anyone else who is concerned about the leaker Of course the internet isn't secure but if you were presented with information like this would you do the same, that is publish information rather than returning it to the source?

Like I said before, I personally wouldn't do the same and spread it around- I would return it to the source. But there's nothing wrong with not doing that. The incompetence of the government and military is at fault here- not WikiLeaks.

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 4th, 2010, 11:28 pm 
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Folks, I am going to admit my bias here and now:

Julian Assange, if you're reading this, you are by the most handsome prematurely gray-haired man I have ever seen. =P~

Moving on, if you can't properly quantify the number of lives that are in danger due to Wikileaks, you can't use that argument. Theoretical lives in danger != lives in danger. More than anything, the publishing of these documents are embarrassing for the U.S. It wasn't alright to censor the Pentagon Papers and it's not alright to censor Wikileaks.

Edit: And from an IT perspective.. I hope this teaches the U.S. that major reform is needed in the way they secure sensitive information.


 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 5th, 2010, 11:40 am 

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Shane wrote:
This just proves the internet needs regulation, it's 2010 and not 1993. The days of the wild wild web are over. Actions on the internet should be treated exactly as they would be treated in real life.

Do you want this to happen, Shane?

But seriously, while I think Wikileaks is doing a good thing, they need to be more uh...
Reporters Without Borders wrote:
Indiscriminately publishing 92,000 classified reports reflects a real problem of methodology and, therefore, of credibility. Journalistic work involves the selection of information.

Have a better method, that's what I was thinking





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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 5th, 2010, 7:22 pm 
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It's a tough choice, Earth. Sometimes, media picks the stories that don't matter rather than something I think is relevant or important. I could care less if Pamela Anderson makes it on the Fortune 500 list. I'd like to find out about the economy, about what my government is doing, and how they are doing things. More often than not, I don't trust the media to pick the material that's important or relevant. With Wikileaks, it all gets out there, essentially untouched and unbiased (at least it seems that way). With that kind of information, I can decide for myself what is important news and what isn't. Don't you think the media sometimes hide the stories you want to hear about and show the one's that don't matter?

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 7th, 2010, 1:20 pm 
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Duke Juker wrote:
It's a tough choice, Earth. Sometimes, media picks the stories that don't matter rather than something I think is relevant or important. I could care less if Pamela Anderson makes it on the Fortune 500 list. I'd like to find out about the economy, about what my government is doing, and how they are doing things. More often than not, I don't trust the media to pick the material that's important or relevant. With Wikileaks, it all gets out there, essentially untouched and unbiased (at least it seems that way). With that kind of information, I can decide for myself what is important news and what isn't. Don't you think the media sometimes hide the stories you want to hear about and show the one's that don't matter?

The media is no different to any other company- they're only here to make money. Even public-funded organisations like the BBC still need to pull in an audience, otherwise what's the point in paying for it? People like to read about big stories, so that's what the TV and newspapers give us. The things that we hear about in the news have been hand picked from thousands of possible stories because they make more money. And even the stores that make it to the public have been tweaked and exaggerated to make them sound more exciting. It's not a criticism- but it is true.

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 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 7th, 2010, 7:06 pm 
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Julian Assange turned himself in today.

Sadly, my attempts to track him down and seduce him will now be complicated.


 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 8th, 2010, 3:35 pm 

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looks like some hackers are getting revenge i guess.

Hackers strike at MasterCard to support WikiLeaks

Hackers rushed to the defense of WikiLeaks on Wednesday, launching attacks on MasterCard, Visa, Swedish prosecutors, a Swiss bank and others who have acted against the site and its jailed founder Julian Assange.

Internet "hacktivists" operating under the label "Operation Payback" claimed responsibility in a Twitter message for causing severe technological problems at the website for MasterCard, which pulled the plug on its relationship with WikiLeaks a day ago.

MasterCard acknowledged "a service disruption" involving its Secure Code system for verifying online payments, but spokesman James Issokson said consumers could still use their credit cards for secure transactions. Later Wednesday, Visa's website was inaccessible.

The online attacks are part of a wave of support for WikiLeaks that is sweeping the Internet. Twitter was choked with messages of solidarity for the group, while the site's Facebook page hit 1 million fans.

Late Wednesday, Operation Payback itself appeared to run into problems, as many of its sites went down. It was unclear who was behind the counterattack.

MasterCard is the latest in a string of U.S.-based Internet companies — including Visa,, PayPal Inc. and EveryDNS — to cut ties to WikiLeaks in recent days amid intense U.S. government pressure. PayPal was not having problems Wednesday but the company said it faced "a dedicated denial-of-service attack" on Monday.


 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 9th, 2010, 4:52 am 
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Anonymous claim credit. What makes me laugh is the newspapers quoting wikileaks as saying "you want a fight we'll give you one" and other such ****. It's not wikileaks saying it though it's Anonymous.

This whole thing is a disgrace. If the American governemnt kept it's **** in order this wouldn't be an issue. Instead there doing everything to crush the site and the people connected to it purely because there releasing the information. Hopefully they fail at it.

On a more positive note; Naturally the British capture and arrest him. I'll take credit for that. The rest of the world couldn't catch a pebble on a beach. **** useless.


 Post subject: Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?
PostPosted: December 9th, 2010, 3:19 pm 
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Duke Juker wrote:
It's a tough choice, Earth. Sometimes, media picks the stories that don't matter rather than something I think is relevant or important. I could care less if Pamela Anderson makes it on the Fortune 500 list. I'd like to find out about the economy, about what my government is doing, and how they are doing things. More often than not, I don't trust the media to pick the material that's important or relevant. With Wikileaks, it all gets out there, essentially untouched and unbiased (at least it seems that way). With that kind of information, I can decide for myself what is important news and what isn't. Don't you think the media sometimes hide the stories you want to hear about and show the one's that don't matter?

I would have to agree with this. Sometimes the media doesn't really make all the right choices to say whats relevant or not.


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