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 Post subject: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 4:51 pm 
Site Owner

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So, one year in since the Evolution of Combat update what's everyone thinking at this point?

Me - It's good but there's a couple of shortfalls still in the equipment area and the amount of abilities.


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PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 4:51 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 4:52 pm 
Dragon Member

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The overall game needs more tickrate, but that's never going to happen.

As for the combat itself, I am so glad that it's no longer click and watch.


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 5:31 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

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Meh, I could have lived without the change, but it's not bad. Once you're used to it anyway.

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 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 25th, 2013, 6:46 pm 
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I like it. It got me back to the game and made Slayer my favorite skill, despite shat drop prices.

However, it completely killed PvP. Just go to Edgeville and look at the Wildy, then watch a vid of Edge Pking from 2011. 180 degree difference.
PvP needs a whole revamp. I'm not the one to dictate what needs to happen because I'm a PvM guy, not a Pker. But one thing I do know is that
they need to add xp back to PvP. It's not fair to completely shortchange Pkers like that. Hopefully we can revive that half of the community.




 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 4:06 am 
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While the EOC isn't perfect and could still do with some refining, I prefer it to the old system. Like 101Duck1, it got me enjoying Slayer... so much so, that I am closing in on 99. It would have been better if players had given constructive criticism, rather than just attacking the change and saying we hate it. Jagex are constantly updating and tweaking things here and there still because it was released before it was ready IMO, but since players didn't tell them what they were looking for, or what issues they had, other than to attack them, we got a not so perfect release. However, over the months things were fixed and adjusted. I still believe their worst mistake was releasing the 07 servers, but we have had that debate already, so I wan't rehash it. Overall though, I am a fan of the EOC style in comparison to the old click and wait system.


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 4:04 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

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I still don't like it. The combat system was a big part of the draw of RuneScape for me so naturally I'm not going to like it as much when they change it so drastically. I'm sure I would have moved on from the game eventually but the EoC sped up the process. I think that it still has the same problems as the old combat system which can't be fixed with RuneScape in its current form. Actual ability rotations only matter at the hardest bosses (KK/Vorago/RotS) and there's still not a lot of variety as far as equipment is concerned. I don't even enjoy Slayer anymore because of the changes and PvM is boring for me compared to before.

Ranging God wrote:
Just accidentally reported my own thread


 Post subject: Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 4:04 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

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 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 4:31 pm 
Runite Member

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Pushed me away from the game and screwed with pricing too much. It also seems like they are pumping out new high level armour and weapons way too frequently.


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 4:55 pm 
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To the people who dislike EoC: What's the big draw to the old combat style of simply clicking and watching your character attack? Of course you can eat food and use potions but overall, but the combat itself is that initial click.


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 5:05 pm 
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Cliff Dude wrote:
To the people who dislike EoC: What's the big draw to the old combat style of simply clicking and watching your character attack? Of course you can eat food and use potions but overall, but the combat itself is that initial click.

It was unique, simple, and the variety of special attacks was good. If I really wanted to spam abilities I wouldn't have played Runescape in the first place. Also the tick rate is far too slow in EOC. On top of that they totally destroyed PvP.


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 5:42 pm 
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It took a while to get used to. (I'm still trying to figure out the best ability combinations.) But overall, it's more interactive and entertaining during combat now. I definitely like it.

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 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 6:59 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

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Bonsai99 wrote:
If I really wanted to spam abilities I wouldn't have played Runescape in the first place.

That's what it was for me too. I've tried playing WoW and Guild Wars a couple times but they don't hold my attention. The system really doesn't appeal to me. I really did enjoy the point and click (before someone says it, Momentum is pretty useless).

Ranging God wrote:
Just accidentally reported my own thread


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 26th, 2013, 9:17 pm 
Rsbandb Donor
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I have never liked combat.
The EOC hasn't fixed that..
I don't really care, I neither like it nor hate it, just something that's there and I've gotten use to it.
I have yet to do any form of pvping with it though,
surely I wouldn't like it.


 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 27th, 2013, 3:01 pm 
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Dang, it's been a year already?

I would definitely agree the tickrate system needs to be changed. The tickrate is way too slow for an ability system. When I press an ability it needs to launch 'NOW', not ''. I think this is tied to the core of the Runescape Engine though so Jagex would have to create a new Game Engine... which is needed anyways.

I still have to agree that RS's old system was one of the game's Unique aspects. It wasn't some ubre fast paced you-better-hit-the-right-key-oh-dang-you-hit-the-wrong-one game. It was... Runescape. Now it's... just another MMO. It may have been 'point and click' but there was something inviting about that.
One of my biggest issues with the EOC is how they have made equipment so... lackluster. There is no choice anymore. You wear what they tell you or you die, basically. What level are you? What attack type are you using? Ok, you must wear THIS! But I don't want to-TOO BAD YOU MUST!
Previously I could wear anti-mage armour and choose to melee, or wear melee armour and choose to range - both of these were viable and had their places. Now I have to wear the appropriate armour or I can't hit reliably.

They have forced us into using the silly combat triangle. Runescape is the only game I know of that really forces any sort of 'Combat Order' onto the players.

I much preferred the old system of equipment that let me look at the defences and choose if I wanted stab, slash, crush, magic, or ranged defence. My offensive abilities were not nerfed just because I chose to have the best defence against my enemy.

Regarding abilities...
I primarily stick with Momentum. I have found that on average I do as well as anyone using abilities. The abilities just fire too slow and honestly don't do enough. If I want to be a button smasher I'll go play WoW, GW, EQ, LOTRO, D3, or a multitude of other games. If I want relaxed combat that is refreshing but won't have me pulling my hair out I'll play RS, with Momentum or Old School.

Bonsai99 wrote:
Pushed me away from the game and screwed with pricing too much. It also seems like they are pumping out new high level armour and weapons way too frequently.

Yea. In the old days we would get, what? One or two, MAYBE a small handful of new equipment each year. The whip was the bomb, but Dragon weapons still had their place. Nowadays there is no point getting the latest because it won't stay the greatest.

Bonsai99 wrote:
Cliff Dude wrote:
To the people who dislike EoC: What's the big draw to the old combat style of simply clicking and watching your character attack? Of course you can eat food and use potions but overall, but the combat itself is that initial click.

It was unique, simple, and the variety of special attacks was good. If I really wanted to spam abilities I wouldn't have played Runescape in the first place. Also the tick rate is far too slow in EOC. On top of that they totally destroyed PvP.

Previously we had 38 Melee special attacks, 15 Ranged, and 3 Magic related ones. A total of 56. Granted, we couldn't use them simultaneously, but there were favorites and ones for specific purposes.
Now we have 13 Attack, 12 Strength, 13 Defence, 4 Constitution, 15 Ranged, and 15 Magic. A total of 72.
However, you can't use the Thresholds if you want to use an Ultimate and vice-versa. 14 Of our abilities are Thresholds, 20 are Ultimates. Nearly half of our abilities are locked into we've been fighting for a few moments. Is having more really better, even when we can't use them?

To those who use abilities, do you really use all 14 Thresholds AND all 20 Ultimates? Or do you only use your half-dozen basics to build adrenaline and then use your one, maybe two, favorite Thresholds or Ultimates?


But... It's here, and it's not likely to be changed because it's Jagex's Poster Child. If they changed it(note, I said 'change', not 'remove') it would be a huge step for Jagex. Almost like what they did with Coinshare but probably twice that, depending on the change.

We can't remove it, we can't change it. We can only live with it and suggest things that we, as the people who have to live with it, have noticed.

Change is fine, but it needs to be done right, and with ample notice and information given to the people who are being forced to accept the change. The biggest cause of uproar about updates is due to the players and developers not understanding each other coupled with a lack of information.

So... that's my spiel about it.

What do I think?
I still think they went about it wrong(Beta should've been longer, should've listened to players more), that it was unnecessary(yes, this is debatable, but I have yet to hear valid reasons supporting the 'it was required ' idea), and that it could've been designed better.

So yea, there's my Thinking, at this point.

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 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 27th, 2013, 5:43 pm 
Rsbandb Donor

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Bonsai99 wrote:
Cliff Dude wrote:
To the people who dislike EoC: What's the big draw to the old combat style of simply clicking and watching your character attack? Of course you can eat food and use potions but overall, but the combat itself is that initial click.

It was unique, simple, and the variety of special attacks was good. If I really wanted to spam abilities I wouldn't have played Runescape in the first place. Also the tick rate is far too slow in EOC. On top of that they totally destroyed PvP.

I agree. I liked simple. Why not just improve the combat system with the simple one click method? I liked the simplistic format. Skills should matter more when it comes to damage output, hit efficiency, blocking damage, etc.

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 Post subject: Re: One Year In - EOC
PostPosted: November 28th, 2013, 9:23 am 
Black Member

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I like the idea of the EOC, but I think the abilities lack synergy (interaction with each other). As others have said, the tick rate is horrible, which is the main reason I'm turned off of bossing.


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