Hello everyone, I'm a long time vet of Runescape- 10 year vet cape, shout out to everyone who still uses their player names to log it lol, and an Event coordenator for one of the top 5 oldest clans in RS. I recently came back from about a half a year break, and was looking into finding another community to delve into-
Swiftkit brought me here
I've never been much of a forum guy until recently- it's nice to have people to talk to while doing those afk'able skills. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you, my ingame name is Snowhawk- feel free to add me and I've joined into the FC. My home world is 42, you wont catch me out of it unless it's wensday for w60 pengy hunting
I'm not sure if this is a proper introduction, so any questions just ask guys and gals