Price history for the last days.

Current Value: 38,411 Current Average: 1,921
Current Index: 115.44 7-day Index: 108.19

 ItemGE ValueIndex?
Blue Dragon Scale Blue Dragon Scale 1,225 (+0) 151.23
Chocolate Bar Chocolate Bar 697 (+0) 288.02
Chocolate Dust Chocolate Dust 1,057 (+0) 320.3
Crushed Nest Crushed Nest 191 (+0) 2.13
Dragon Scale Dust Dragon Scale Dust 199 (+4) 23.47
Eye of Newt Eye of Newt 7 (+0) 28
Grenwall Spikes Grenwall Spikes 186 (+0) 13.43
Jangerberries Jangerberries 1,000 (-16) 1149.43
Limpwurt Root Limpwurt Root 517 (-4) 52.38
Mort Myre Fungus Mort Myre Fungus 4,042 (+0) 365.46
Mud Rune Mud Rune 1,303 (+0) 404.66
Papaya Fruit Papaya Fruit 12,352 (+0) 597.58
Potato Cactus Potato Cactus 3,262 (-172) 246.93
Red Spiders' Eggs Red Spiders' Eggs 165 (+0) 21.97
Snape Grass Snape Grass 392 (-12) 50.84
Unicorn Horn Unicorn Horn 937 (+0) 32.68
Unicorn Horn Dust Unicorn Horn Dust 790 (+0) 29.48
Whiteberries Whiteberries 2,670 (+0) 284.65
Wine of Zamorak Wine of Zamorak 700 (-14) 26.29
Wyvern Bones Wyvern Bones 6,719 (+273) 165.82

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