Alex 43
Post subject: Swan Song Posted: May 2nd, 2006, 6:30 am |
Joined: January 17th, 2005, 5:30 pm Posts: 2029 Location: There's a place in the world where the sun won't shine, consumed of color and depth. I'm not there.
RS Name: Alex 43
RS Status: P2P
Clan Name: Rsbandb! All the way!
Items Needed:
- 50 coins - 5 blood runes - 10 mist runes - 10 lava runes - 1 hatchet OR logs. - 1 pickaxe OR 5 iron bars - 7 bones
Teleports Used:
- 1 Castle Wars Teleport (Duelling ring) - 1 Falador Teleport
- Have 100 quest points (Take your time) - Completed One Small Favour (Seriously, it's fun!) - Completed Garden of Tranquility - Level 66 magic - Level 62 fishing - Level 62 cooking - Level 45 smithing - Level 42 firemaking - Level 40 crafting - Level 23 runecrafting is optional, but it helps.
Difficulty and length:
- Pretty tough, but not very long.
Start Location:
- North-west the gnome stronghold.
To start it off, you want to travel along the north-west edge of the gnome stronghold until you find these people:
Pay 50 coins, and you'll be taken down the river onto an island.
Talk to Herman. Check the map for the closeby quest star.
After a chat about you being a great adventurer, he asks you to fetch him an even greater one. One who killed the drunken dwarf, slew the kalphite queen unassisted, and even ... er ... pulled off Runescape's first bank robbery. That's right, the Wise Old Man.
Teleport to Draynor and speak to him. He says he'll need supplies. And by supplies, he means 5 blood runes, 10 mist runes, and 10 lava runes. Here's where Runecrafting comes in. However, if you don't want to runecraft them, you can either buy them from another player (good luck) or you can buy them with pizzaz points in the mage training arena.
Anyways, you will get the runes and give them to the Wise Old Man. He'll meet you outside the colony. In other words, leave his house once again. Wow.
Return to the colony, and bring along armor and food. These trolls are pretty tough.
Anyways, you and the old guy will duke it out with them. Altough they spawn, they have a limit. However, the old man will run out of runes, so it's mostly you.
Once they're gone (About 7 or so of them), go through the gate. The Old Man will leave you there.
You can find Herman in the house to the east edge of the colony. Just near the gate is a hatchet and a pickaxe. You can take them if you want - you'll need them.
When you speak to him, the Wise Old Man will reappear. After a chat, he'll ask you to help Arnold with fixing up the encampment.
Arnold will give you the objective to start fishing for monkfish as well as a small net. Head to the northwest area and start fishing.
Beware - you will attract river trolls. They will get bigger and bigger (From level 65 to level 101), so make sure you're stocked with food.
When you kill the trolls, resume fishing until all 5 monkfish are caught. Be patient, it can take a while.
You'll have to cook them too. There's a range nearby in another house.
Remember, if you burn them, merely go catch some more.
Once they're done, give them to Arnold and he'll tell you to help Franklin. He's near the gate.
He'll tell you to repair the wall with 5 sheets of iron. To make the iron sheets, you need to press them by lighting a pressing box with logs and a tinderbox, which he will give you. Just outside the encampment is a few iron rocks if you need it. The pressing room ahas a furnace.
If you talk to Franklin again, he'll give you a hammer. You'll need that too.
When you have the iron sheets, head to the west end of town and use the sheets on the bacshed up wall.
When that is done, talk to Franklin again.
You've got another task. You're going to take out the entire troll race in one fell swoop. To do that ... you'll need an ARMY!
Now how in Saradomin's name does one immediately get an army?
Easy. Summon it from the dead!
Head to the wizards guild in Yanille, go into the basement, and talk to the wizard.
After arguing about the loan and lease of the living dead, Frumscone will tell you to instead talk to Malignius, south of Falador, because he doesn't want to have to get involved with this sort of work.
Malignius is a little more cooperative ... sort of. He needs a few things, including 7 bones (Kill guards).
When you give them to him, he'll then suggest the crafting guild to carry what he calls 'bone seeds'. He'll give you a brown apron to enter it.
Talk to the younger craftsman. He'll advise a pot with a lid. If you did the One Small Favour quest, you'll know how to make it.
Once it's made (you can do it there), talk to Malignius. He'll give you the bone seeds, and teleport you back to the colony. Saves a little walking.
Give them to Herman. You are about to fight a monster that casts spells and melees. When you're ready, go!
You'll watch a pretty sweet movie of a war, as well as the Wise Old Man beating the tar out of a troll general. However, they saves the best for last. The Old Man gets knocked out, and you are left to take out the mother of all sea trolls!
She will cast long-range water waves and melee you. She also has a spell to suck up your prayer. I suggest direct, decisive, and devastating.
If you need to retreat, just exit out the gate. You can return, and even see the fight movie again!
Anyways, by whatever means necessary, you'll kill her.
Return to Herman. After a chat about rewards and the economical greed and worth of a foot-long piece of cut-out paper used mainly for personal attire ...
... the Wise Old Man will say farewell to his adventures and slip into a comfortable retirement *Sheds tear* and Herman will be left to give you a reward: Access to the camp, the general store, the bank, and all the fishing spots where you can catch monkfish, which heal 16 health! Eat our dust, lobster!
... oh yeah, and 25 000 coins with some exp.
Enjoy, y'all!
Creepy Edit:
You need to add the following:
- Kathy corkat will NOT let you on her boat without you paying her 50 coins first.
- You have absolutley no meantion of logs needed at the start of your guide.
Sorry about the 50 coin bit, but I DID say to bring a hatchet. There are trees nearby the camp. Modified, though.
Last edited by Alex 43 on May 24th, 2006, 7:23 am, edited 10 times in total.