Making Money Using The Abyss©
By Divyen90
15/10/05 - Posted Guide
17/10/05 - Added Info. on how to obtain Pouches
23/10/05 - Added more pouch info. and minor tweaks
24/11/05 - Added by_who_the_ethereal's method
The Guide
Requirements-->Runescape Membership (P2P)
-->44 Runecrafting
-->Mini-Quest for Zamorak Wizard(to acess abyss)
-->80+Combat (Reccomended)
-->Pouches (Reccomended)
-->Lots of Ess
-->Any Pickaxe (For the purposes of this guide)
-->Hero's Completed (Makes it more efficent)
The Inventory
Explination of Inventory
Pouches (Full) Are to carry more essence leading to more nats being made.
Sharks are for pkers. 3 are essential if you want to resist Mage Pkers becasue if the mage entangles you, thats 15 seconds, if they are using god spells, they wont be able to kill you unless they hit 30 each time (which is virtually impossible), assuming you have 60+HP. Eat and run or tele via zammy mage. I may add more on how to survive pkers in future updates.
Glory is used to tele back to edge
Pickaxe is to get into central ring of abyss.
*Optional* Black dragon-hide to withstand mages more
How To Obtain Pouches
There are four pouches, each require a different level to use, the higher the required level, the more ess the pouch can store.
The pouches are:
Small Pouch - No RC level Req. Stores 3 Essence
Medium Pouch - RC Level 25 - Stores 6 Essence
Large Pouch - RC Level 50 - Stores 9 Essence
Giant Pouch - RC Level 75 - Stores 12 Essence
ALL OF THESE POUCHES can be obtained by killing ANY of the abyss monsters. The rate that they are dropped is quite high, so you may be there for a while. You may only have ONE type of each pouch with you at any time (This includes in bank or in Inventory).
Pouches will decay overtime and will turn black, this can be fixed by speaking to the Mage in the center of the Abyss.
./ Full Pouches
./ Glory that has a teleport left!
./ 3 Sharks
./ Pickaxe
./ Essence (Duh!)
Route to the Abyss
1.Start at edge
2.Run ON
3.Take this route, be wary of pkers:
4.Once you find the Zammy Mage, right click and go to Teleport Mage:
5.Find the "Minable Rock" or squeeze through a gap or distract the eyes, these require a pickaxe,decent agilty and decent theifing respectivly.
6. You will then be on the "Inner Ring" of the abyss. You know need to head to the Nature Rift, head to the northern area of the ring and look for this:
7.Enter, and you will be in the Nature Altar!
Craft your ess into nats:
Dont forget to empty your pouches! Un-Eqiup your glory and tele to edgeville.
8.Bank and Repeat.
The Money Making!
I have 57 rc and i make 40 nats with pouches per run. Each run takes me around 1.5 minutes, so i make around 40 runs an hour this is 1600 nats, which, if i sell for 310 each, gets me 496k, however this does not include recharge ammy time, running from pkers and fixing broken pouches, however you can still make tons of cash, i usually make 1k nats an hour (310k) which is pretty good. This has allowed me to purchase a whip and I'm now going to buy dragon med and legs
Side Notes
As well as pkers, the monsters in the abyss can hurt quite a lot, make sure you conserve your Run. I advise you to stop running when you get into the inner abyss ring.
Make sure your pouches are full and repaired and that you have teles on your glories! I can not stress this enough.
DO NOT use this guide if you are afraid of dieing!
Always keep an eye out for pkers and know types of spells. Make fun of abyss pkers as much as possible
Keep private on friends, you never know when a pker could be following you
My stats (if they are of any use):
I am IN NO way held responsible for anybody dieing in runescape because of this guide!
by_who_the_ethereal's method
Ok, another way to do this (requires high level magic, tons of law and fire runes, and an air staff (normal, not battle or mystic battle, and ancient magicks)
Withdraw your pouches (if you have them), two laws, two fires, and all your ess.
Boots of Lightness (equiped)
Staff of Air (equiped)
2 laws
2 fire runes
Pouches (optional)
Food (optional but not needed)
Ancient Magicks
Ok, so, you have ancient magicks, whatever.
Ok, you're on your way.
Take the black path, as seen before, or, if you want to play safe, follow the red path, you normally get the jump on pkers this way and they don't have time. If you -do- get in a jam, just tele to Paddewa, which is edgeville dungeon (ladder is just north)
Ok, so you made it to the abyss, run through the little annoying idiots, and go through a gap or disract the eyes.
Go in the nature rift, and boom, you're there...
This method can also be used with laws
2 laws (recommended but not required)
2 fires
2 airs
boots of lightness (equiped)
pouches (optional)
This way, you can still tele out, and you get a good more laws
If you want, you don't have to take the laws, you will be making them, it's totally up to you, but I reccomend it.
Just teleport to paddewa...
This guide may be used/posted on:-->RS Bits & Bytes
-->Crimson Raiders Clan Forum
Please PM me if you wish to use this guide on your site/forum.
Credits / ThanksDivyen90 - Main guide / Pictures
Blenders - Shark Trick / Random Stuff
the blue men - Medium Pouch Req. Level
head officer - storage of Giants pouch
simon181991 - Black Dragon Hide
by_who_the_ethereal's method - Second Method
kaley44 - Pouch Storage
This guide is property of Divyen90©[/quote][/b]