Runescape Bits & Bytes

Animal Magnetism - 12th December 2006
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Author:  Ryan [ December 12th, 2006, 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Animal Magnetism - 12th December 2006

Name:- Animal Magnetism (Members Only)

Difficulty:- Easy

Length:- Short (Or so JaGeX say o.O)

Starting Point:- Draynor Manor, Talk to Ava

Quests Required:-
The Restless Ghost,
Priest In Peril,
Ernest The Chicken
Levels Required:-
18 Slayer
19 Crafting
30 Ranged
35 Woodcutting

20 ecto-tokens, Ghostspeak amulet, 5 iron bars, hammer, Mithril hatchet, Holy Symbol, hard leather, polished buttons.

Suggested Items:-
A Glory ammy may help all the going back to Draynor, Ectophial for travels to Port Phasmatys. (? Spelling)

A Short Walkthrough:-
Talk to Ava. She will need 2 undead chickens from Port Phasmatys farm. Use the ectophial if you have one, or walk to Port Phasmatys, and go to the farm just norht-west of it. Wearing your ghostspeak amulet, talk to the ghost farmer. He will say something about his wife, that is still alive, who is in the Farming shop. Go and talk to her. After playing a bit of don't shoot the messenger, his wife will give you an idea about making a sort of ghostspeak amulet for her husband to use so they can share the bank PIN.
Go to the Old Crone, just west of Fenkenstrain's Castle. She will
take a hair off your shoulder (where did that come from I wonder...). Speak to her again, and she will have made a replica of the ghostspeak amulet. it is only to be used by the ghost farmer though, it doesn't work for anyone else.
Take it to the farmer, and he will give you a snazzy cutscene on how to catch an undead chicken. Starring an unwanted appearance by a cow-killing adventurer. After that, pay the farmer your 20 ecto-tokens, and you will receive your own groovy chicken. NEW WEAPONS!!!
Take these back to Ava, and the demanding girl will now say she wants a magnet. Talk to the Witch in the room with the range. She needs 5 iron bars, so give them to her. She will give u some selected iron, and tell you to go to Rimmington mine, and face north. Go and do that, and use your hammer with your selected iron to get a bar magnet. Take that to Ava.
By now I was thinking this quest would never end...
Ava now decides she wants wood. But she doesn't want any old wood. Noo...She want special wood from the annoying trees that attack you. Go outside and chop one. WTF?! Your axe bounces off? Go and tell Ava this...
Now Ava gives you 2 options. She can either chop your arms off and replace them with undead ones, but the only trouble with this is that you can't pick your nose anymore (Unlucky, I know its your hobby). Or you can talk to Turael in Burthorpe. Without hesitation, you choose the second option, so head off to Burthorpe. Turael says he will give you a Blessed Hatchet, if you bring him a Mithril axe and a Holy Symbol. Give him these items in exchange for his Blessed Axe. ANOTHER NEW WEAPON!!!
Go back to Draynor Manor and chop the attacking trees. You may fail at this, just keep trying till you get a twig. Take this inside.
Now is the time to turn your brain on. Ava has a brainteaser or a note that she wants you to translate. It looks hard at a first glance, but its actually elementary. The code is:

Red. Green. Red. Red. Green. Red. Red. Red. Green.
Give the notes back to Ana, and she will give you the pattern. She wants a container now (She is a bit demanding isn't she?). It needs to be made out of some Hard Leather and some polished buttons. The polished buttons are made by selecting the 'Polish Buttons' option, suprisingly.
Give her these, and your quest is complete!!!


This is my first quest guide, and is only from a few notes. Please reply with feedback, questions, and if the walkthrough worked for you.
Also can you give me anything I missed out, and can someone please post any stat boosts for the undead chicken and blessed axe. Thanks.

I will be Posting Screenshots TOMORROW.

Copyright, Made by Ryanb1994 and T456128©

Author:  Adbot [ December 12th, 2006, 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  James [ December 12th, 2006, 2:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow u did this fast

Author:  Ryan [ December 12th, 2006, 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

mainiacks wrote:
wow u did this fast

Tell me about it...

Please stay on topic though.

Author:  Alex [ December 12th, 2006, 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmm I might do this quest.

Goes and does Ernest the Chicken


I would say clean this up a bit, add some gaps to make it easier to read.

Author:  The Haysta [ December 12th, 2006, 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gaps, steps, more pictures....


I did it half an hour after it's release, I would have made a guide if it wasn't 1:38am...

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