Runescape Bits & Bytes

Dragon Slayer Quest (F2P)
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Author:  King Kulla [ October 14th, 2005, 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Dragon Slayer Quest (F2P)

Dragon Slayer Quest

In the “Dragon Slayer Quest” you will face “Elvarg” the green dragon of Crandor. It is the one and only time you will be able to kill it.

You may want to take a screen shot of the event, this can be done easily while fighting the Green Dragon and saved later up until you turn your computer off. The simple instructions to taking a screen shot are…. 1) hit the “Alt” button and the “PrtScn” button at the same time

2) later go back to your desktop and open your “paint” program

3) With the paint program opened, under “edit” choose “paste”

4) the screen shot you took will appear, save it to your files

Requirements: To start this quest you must have access to Champions Guild (you will need 32 quest points) and you have to finish quite a few other quests to get this many quest points.

Items needed : See guide below for details on where to get them; you will at some point need:

• Anti-Dragon breath shield, (gotten as a part of the quest from the Duke of Lumbridge) Image

• Wizards mind bomb drink,

• silk,

• lobster cage,

• unfired bowl,

• maze key,(gotten as a part of the quest)

• Law rune,

• air runes,

• 3 planks,

• 90 nails,

• hammer,

• strength potion,

• at least full adamantite armor and a rune long sword (or better)

• at least 18 cooked swordfish, lobbies, or tunas.

• 2 to 12 k cash

Combat level : Also I recommend you be at least 45-60 combat level to fight the Dragon. Test this by fighting a lesser demon. If you can beat it, you will probably be able to beat Elvarg.

1) To start enter the Champions Guild south of Varrock; talk with the guild master and ask her about rune plate-mail.

2) She will tell you to go talk to Oziach. He is in a house north of the Barbarian Village (just between Edgeville and the monastery).

3) Talk with Oziach; he needs proof that you are Hero to sell you rune armor.

4) He will tell you that you need to get special equipment: a Dragon breath shield, found in Lumbridge, given to you from the Duke. (This shield is necessary because without it you will take 60 hitpoints damage from the dragons breath at once).

5) Go to Lumbridge to the castle, upstairs the Duke will give you the Dragon breath shield.

6) Go back to Oziach.

7) He will tell of a map that is broken into 3 pieces; the first being in Melzars maze, to which he will give you a maze key. Do not lose this maze key, as it is nearly impossible to get another one.

8) 1st map piece ……..go to Melzars maze, which is west of Port Sarim. Enter the door on the east side. The Maze is a series of keys:

Map Piece One in Melzars Maze. You must collect keys from each enemy you meet, only one will drop the key your after.

Red Key:
A Rat that respawns in the South Western most corner, and the door to use is the North Western most one. (Rat Combat: 13)

Orange Key:
A Ghost that respawns South West of the latter, and the door is the one directly North of the spot on the opposite side of the railing to the latter, the middle door. (Ghost Combat: 25)

Yellow Key:
A skeleton that respawns the most south, and the door is all the way to the South West. (Skeleton Combat: 31)

Blue Key:
Southern most Zombie (lvl 32), northern most door.

Magenta Key:
Melzar the mad (lvl 45) drops this automatically and use it on the north door. (Watch out for his foot, and his hilarious curses. You might fall of your chair, rendering you unconscious, allowing Melzar to kill you. BEWARE!)

Green Key:
Lesser Demon (lvl 82) drops the key automatically when you kill him and use the door on the north wall then open the chest for your 1st map piece.

9) Map piece 2- First go to the Oracle on Ice Mountain, just West of the Black Knights Fortress.


10) The Oracle will tell you about the Hidden city in Dwarven Mines, and the four items you must use to open the door.

11) Gather the four items:

a. Wizard's Mind Bomb- can be bought in the bar in Falador,

b. Silk- which can be bought in the clothing store in Varrock,

c. Lobster Pot- which can be bought in Port Sarim at Gerrant’s fish store

d. Unfired Bowl- which is made from clay which you soften by using water on it, then turning it on the potter’s wheel in the Barbarian village where the pottery Kiln is. You need a crafting level of 7 to make a bowl, but it doesn’t take long to raise your crafting levels.

12) The secret door is in the Dwarven mine in the northeast corner, before the area that is filled with Scorpions and the Mining Guild to the left. - Use the 4 items on the door, once inside get the 2nd map piece out of the Chest.


13) Map 3rd piece- A goblin named Wormbrain has the 3rd map piece. He is in the Port Sarim jail. Now there are 2 ways to get the Map piece from him…


Method # 1: You can get the 3rd map piece by talking to the goblin Wormbrain in the Jail west of Port Sarim, and buying it for 10k (this will save you having to train up your magic to lvl 33 for the Telekinetic Grab, read on for this method).

Method # 2: You kill the goblin Wormbrain by a crossbow and or rune spells. He drops the map and to retrieve it you need to use the Telekinetic grab spell (lvl 33 magic) to get it

14) Then put the pieces of the map together to make a whole map.

15) Then go to port Sarim and talk to the guy in front of the lady Lumbridge, and buy the Lady Lumbridge ship for 2000 gp.

16) The guy who sells you the ship tells you need planks and nails to fix it.

17) Planks are in the graveyard in the Wilderness. Guarded by Level 34 zombies. And beware, other players can be out there, too! So be careful. Also in wilderness on East side level 16 where the Ghost house is, there’s a lot of planks lying around. In either case, you need exactly 3 planks.

18) Nails: To make nails you need to be smithing level 34. Then you can make 2 nails out of 1 STEEL bar (6 steel bars needed). You need exactly 12 nails.

19) When you have 3 planks and 12 nails, and don’t forget a hammer, go to the Lumbridge Lady and board her.

20) You will find yourself in the hull of the ship. Use the 3 planks one after another on the hole.

21) Then you need a sailor. Ned (The one who makes rope and wig in Prince Ali Rescue.) lives in Draynor Village. Go talk to him. He will agree to take you to Crandor and says to meet him at the port. Go to the Port and just board the Lady Lumbridge.

22) Before you bring the following things with you ………

a) Anti Dragon breath shield,

b) your strongest armor ( note: wear only 3 expensive things, like rune legs, rune chain, rune battle axe, in case you die you will not lose anything valuable),

c) a useful yet inexpensive Amulet like and Emerald Ammy of Protection, or a Ruby Amulet of Strength, however I would recommend the Diamond Ammy of Power, if you have the money.

d) about 18 cooked swordfish or lobbies, and

e) Strength potion.

23) I recommend you be about combat level 45 to 60 to fight the dragon although if you are clever you may be able to beat him if you are a lower level.

24) As you sail to Crandor Isle, you land upon rocks, which damage the ship.



25) The island is filled with Skeletons with shields and scimitars, King Scorpions, Hobgoblins, Moss Giants, and Lesser Demons. Avoid these and run past them, as you need to save all your health and food for Elvarg the Green Dragon.

26) After you go around the island and find the stairs you venture down into the dungeon under Crandor.

27) Run past 5 or 6 Level 45 Skeletons.

28) The door to the Dragon Room is on the left in the first hallway you encounter.

29) Take a second and ……….

a) get to full health,

b) check and make sure you are wielding the Anti Dragon breath shield, and

c) make sure you drink your Strength potion before you enter the room.

30) Enter through the door and the Dragon will attack you immediately. No one else can enter in and help you kill this Dragon, it is a one person quest and you must kill it yourself.


31) The Dragon is very dangerous at Level 83.

32) Make sure you are wielding the Anti Dragon breath shield or you will soon be Dragon fried, sometimes in a panic you remove it accidentally, be sure you don’t.

33) Be ready to eat high healing foods (Swordies or Lobsters) because cake or pie won’t work, because you can eat the Swordie in one bite and get a lot of healing, but with pastry it takes 2 or 3 bites to consume the whole thing.

34) Make sure you eat when you are no more than half dead.

35) After you kill the Dragon, you are teleported out of the Dragon's Lair back into the Hall with the Skeletons after you defeat the Dragon.

36) Go past the 5 Lesser Demons and go through the secret door, you will be in the Karamja Lava Cave on Karamja Island, find your way out up the rope to the south and go to safe territory.

37) Congratulations! You have slain your first Dragon!

Rewards: You can buy and wear "Rune platemail". from Oziach for 84.5 k. 2 or more quest points You receive 15k exp for the two melee combat skills you didn’t use to kill the dragon, and then also now you can enter the Lava cave on Karamja Island and go through the Odd Looking Wall by pushing it and go to Crandor Isle anytime you want now. This place is useful later on when your lvl is higher, and you want a good place to train.


Written by King Kulla for use on Rsbandb only.
Pictures Suplied by Zonzhal.

Author:  Adbot [ October 14th, 2005, 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Nate [ October 14th, 2005, 8:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very nice. :)

I was going to write it but it was way to long.. :(

Author:  Robbie [ October 14th, 2005, 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think pictures would REALLY help for a guie that long.

Author:  King Kulla [ October 14th, 2005, 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would, but i forgot to do pictures while i was writing this while doing the quest on my not sure if i really wanna go thru the quest again to get pics if ya know what i mean. But yes, it is long. 6 pages on Word! :shock:

If you find errors, please point them out so i can fix'em.

If anyone else wants to get the pics, pm me and ill gladly put them in. :)

Author:  Zonzhal [ October 16th, 2005, 1:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm doing this quest right now... So I'll take some pictures.

Author:  Mike [ October 16th, 2005, 1:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, We need pics for guides...

Author:  Adbot [ October 16th, 2005, 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Zonzhal [ October 16th, 2005, 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Here you go...

the oracle

the oracles location in the mini map

dwarven mine map piece

mini map for it


his location in the mini map

anti-fire shield (or whatever it's called)

trip to crandor on ship

damaged ship

fighting elvarg

end of quest pic

I have no time to go back and get pictures of melzar's maze right now, so yea...

Author:  King Kulla [ October 16th, 2005, 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you very much for those pictures, Zonzhal.

I will also try to get more pictures of the more harder to explain spots.

Author:  bilbobaggin3 [ October 27th, 2005, 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I"m working on it too, I"ll get pics of melzars. you can also go there if ur in the legends guild or sumthin (I"M F2p, don't know, don't care) so you can go and take ur own if u want.

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