Runescape Bits & Bytes

Sheep Shearer
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Author:  Mrgoose [ October 14th, 2005, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Sheep Shearer

Length: Short

Difficulty: Easy

Items: 1 gold piece

Description: Farmer Fred's sheep are getting mighty woolly. He will pay you to shear them.

Start point: Northwest of Lumbridge

To start: Speak to Farmer Fred



To start speak to Farmer Fred northwest of Lumbridge, ask him if he has a quest.


Ignor the bit about "The Thing" and get to work.

Go southeast along the road till you get to the store and buy some shears. If you don't have 1 gold piece ask someone near by for one.


Next head north a bit and into the sheep pen. Click on your shears and use them on a sheep. You should get one wool.


Once you get 20 head south till you get to the Lumbridge castle. Go on the second floor where you should see a spinning wheel. Right click on it and click spin.


After you spin them all head back to Farmer Fred for your reward.


Author:  Adbot [ October 14th, 2005, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Nate [ October 14th, 2005, 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

here's mine.

Sheep Shearer

Items Needed: Sheers.

Requirements: None

Reward: 150 crafting exp, & 60 gold coins.

Start: Fred The Farmer's House. The House near the big sheep pen.

1. Once you're done talking with Fred. Head out of the house and climb over the stile. Then shear 20 different sheep to get 20 wool.

2. When you're done shearing the sheep head the the lumbridge castle and go to the second floor to the spinning wheel. Spin all the Wool.

3. When done, return the 20 balls of yarn back to Fred and get your reward.

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