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Ultimate Guide To Crafting #1 in the website! (F2P)
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Author:  kevin456 [ January 14th, 2006, 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Ultimate Guide To Crafting #1 in the website! (F2P)

[color=olive][/color]welcome to the ultimate guide in crafting!
( this is my first guide so i dont know how to add pictures lol )

[color=green][/color]lvl 1-10 crafting
[color=limegreen][/color]1.make clay pots until you have 7 crafting
[color=limegreen][/color]2.when you get 7 crafting make pie dishes until lvl 8 crafting
[color=limegreen][/color]3.make clay bowls until your lvl 40 crafting

[color=yellow][/color] 40-70 crafting ( real slow way! )
[color=yellow][/color]1. make clay bowls until your lvl 70 (lol not a lot of instructions)

[color=blue][/color] 40-70 crafting ( super fast way! )
[color=deepskyblue][/color]1. get brown apron
[color=deepskyblue][/color]2. get the best pickaxe you can use
[color=deepskyblue][/color]3. go to crafts guild (south west of falador)
[color=deepskyblue][/color]4. mine clay in the guild
[color=deepskyblue][/color]5.wet the clay (theres a jug near the potter's wheel inside the guild)
[color=deepskyblue][/color]6. make clay bowls with the wet clay (once again potter's wheel is inside the guild)
[color=deepskyblue][/color]7. bring the unfired bowls to the north west side of the guild then fire the unfired bowls in the crafts furnace (lol i forgot what you call it :( )
[color=deepskyblue][/color]8. do it over and over again until you get the wanted crafting lvl.[/code][/list]

Author:  Adbot [ January 14th, 2006, 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  atheism_rule [ January 15th, 2006, 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

urgh... you might wanna put the text between the color tags, like this

Author:  Southrend [ January 15th, 2006, 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm hardly seeing this as a guide... All you're saying is to make clay bowles from lvl 8 to 99. I can tell you one thing, that there are hundreds of other ways to get 99 crafting. and that this one is not the fastest

Author:  Mike1892 [ February 26th, 2006, 2:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just searched your lvl in the high scores since i am looking for better ways to craft...but you yourself only have 45 crafting. This isnt a good way to get 70.

Author:  trekkie [ February 26th, 2006, 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is useless right now so i'm locking this. you may make another thread if you work on it more.

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