Runescape Bits & Bytes

New moderators announced!
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Author:  Rapidash [ March 30th, 2007, 3:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tjbartz2009 wrote:
I thought it was a joke but then I didnt...I really thought South was leaving because the whole different site thing, thats what got me.

Are you serious? XD!!

That was what I thought would have given it away


Author:  Adbot [ March 30th, 2007, 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Chief Snake [ March 30th, 2007, 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kelsey wrote:
Tjbartz2009 wrote:
I thought it was a joke but then I didnt...I really thought South was leaving because the whole different site thing, thats what got me.

Are you serious? XD!!

That was what I thought would have given it away


That's what gave it away for me, rofl. :P

Author:  Jamie [ March 30th, 2007, 3:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lmao I thought it was a prank after Creepy and Southrend "left". It was rather funny seeing everyone's reactions though :) Nice job.

Author:  Matt [ March 30th, 2007, 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm just glad my picture wasn't at the top of the page again. :(

- Matt

Author:  CreepyPirate [ March 30th, 2007, 4:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad the majority of you could see the funny side to it, we'll all have to watch our backs next year, some people might be out for revenge. :P

Author:  The Haysta [ March 30th, 2007, 4:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

*malicious laughter*

Author:  Adbot [ March 30th, 2007, 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Slimppu [ March 30th, 2007, 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

CreepyPirate wrote:
Glad the majority of you could see the funny side to it, we'll all have to watch our backs next year, some people might be out for revenge. :P

april fool's day hasn't even passed yet.... beware. 8)

Author:  Jasonmrc [ March 30th, 2007, 5:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Laughs to death*

That's funny. It was kinda suspicious with the four best mods leaving within a week of each other.

Very nicely done.

But as Kelsey & TJ pointed out about South's fansite; It did kinda give it away since he always said "check my sig" and there was nothing there.

Nice job guys :P and Gal MQ :wink:

Author:  Brandt [ March 30th, 2007, 5:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

well, i now have a more distaste for some of you guys...some of you may know why. if not, then its not ur buisness

Author:  Ult_Mac_Dady [ March 30th, 2007, 5:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

This was just about as funny as a cardiac.

Author:  James [ March 30th, 2007, 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

that stinks

Author:  Fanaticism [ March 30th, 2007, 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hold on im getting my gun and killing them all!!! lol some people really did leave because of you guys -.-

Author:  Ranging God [ March 30th, 2007, 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

CreepyPirate wrote:
Glad the majority of you could see the funny side to it, we'll all have to watch our backs next year, some people might be out for revenge. :P

You have NO idea buddy....

Author:  Southrend [ March 30th, 2007, 11:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jasonmrc wrote:
*Laughs to death*

That's funny. It was kinda suspicious with the four best mods leaving within a week of each other.

Very nicely done.

But as Kelsey & TJ pointed out about South's fansite; It did kinda give it away since he always said "check my sig" and there was nothing there.

Nice job guys :P and Gal MQ :wink:

Shane deleted my signature. To make it a bit more dramatic. And the name was so bad because it was supposed to be a temp forum. If I found a better name I would have bought the domain.

Author:  Gontcha [ March 31st, 2007, 3:16 am ]
Post subject: 

-_- I thought about aprils fool...but it seemed not too realistic....

Ohwell, I take my words back, whatever I said.

BUT: Kill3rz left for real, gj guys...

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