Runescape Bits & Bytes

Questions for RSBANDBUpdate! 284
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Author:  Shane [ November 23rd, 2010, 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Questions for RSBANDBUpdate! 284

Leo (99887, Numbers) will be joining Chief and myself this week.

Read the FAQ and you can call us at 571-57-bandb (571-572-2632) or send audio questions to" target="_blank

Remember, our recording time has changed (18 hours earlier) for all you regulars ;)

Author:  Adbot [ November 23rd, 2010, 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Jeki [ November 23rd, 2010, 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions for RSBANDBUpdate! 284

Dear Shane, Chief__Snake & Leo

I've been listening too this show for the past month and I've loved it. I stumbled across it while searching for Runescape podcasts and I've been listening to it ever since. This is my first question so here goes. I've been learning how to code in a language called "mSL" for the past year and I was wondering, Firstly what coding languages do you know and secondly would it be hard to learn them? I would also like to know how do you stay in the habit of going for farming runs? And lastly I was wondering Shane do you ever plan in discontinuing RSBANDBUpdate series? (P.S: Chief__Snake last week when you pronounced my name for Achievements you said "JekL" but my name is actually pronounced as I say it here in this link: )

Thanks, Jeki

Author:  Lord_Steemo [ November 23rd, 2010, 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions for RSBANDBUpdate! 284

Dear gaudy and Manly Shane and the exotic and slightly manlier Bradley. AND the AMAZING AND MANLIEST MANLY MAN EVER, LEO!

Shane, what kind of people did you hang around with at high school?

Bradley, Is there anything Shane has that you are jealous of?

Leo, are you a movie fan? if so, what is your favorite type of movie

and one more for Leo, are you Leonardo DiCaprio by any chance?

Stay Frosty

Author:  Lemur Ninjas [ November 24th, 2010, 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions for RSBANDBUpdate! 284

¡Hola! Es FerretNinjas aqui.

Yo tengo dos preguntas,

1. Shane, i thought you said that Windows Error 193 couldnt be fixed? I fixed it a couple seconds after listening to the podcast episode, all i did was uninstall everything involving apple except for quicktime and safari then reinstalled itune nd i still have all my music. My main questiom tho is i have recently upgraded to the latest version of iOS (4.2) and now my ipod isnt jailbroken, if u know when do jailbreaks usually come out for new software?

2. Cheif, do u not like mi español? It sounds like you were having a lot of trouble with pronunciation. Spanish is a lot easier to learn then french if you didnt know, u probably did tho...



Author:  King Kulla [ November 25th, 2010, 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions for RSBANDBUpdate! 284

Hi guys,

This has to be the first time someone has asked this question. If you could each individually ask Shane and Chief a question for the next RSBANDBUpdate! show, what would it be?

Mind-blowingly yours,


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