Runescape Bits & Bytes

A Non RS Gaming Event!!
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Author:  Mr Pink [ August 12th, 2007, 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hell yeah, there is an event I can enjoy 8)

That's 4 PM NY time, so I will defiantly make it.

Author:  Adbot [ August 12th, 2007, 5:12 pm ]
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Author:  Zachy [ August 13th, 2007, 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hm, don't think I can make it this time, due to the Sunday date...Hopefully if it's a different day next time, though, I can join it. ;D

Author:  Ryan [ August 13th, 2007, 12:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its a shame I dont have CS:S. I was going to buy it the other day but realized I didnt have enough money :(
I'd be interested to see what other Non-Runescape events we have in the future!

Author:  Tombwarrior9 [ August 13th, 2007, 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is this the one I helped with testing? Sweet. Might have time to get on soon.

Author:  Mikhail [ August 14th, 2007, 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats 3pm my time, ill be there.

Author:  MetalManiac9 [ August 16th, 2007, 1:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Too bad no Counter Strink 1.6 or Condition Zero. :(

Author:  Adbot [ August 16th, 2007, 1:02 am ]
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Author:  Dragon [ August 17th, 2007, 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I don't have CSS. I will come to any XBL events we have where I own the game though.

Some games we could do would be Gears, Halo 2 (Eventually 3), Shadowrun, Guitar Hero III Battle Mode Tournaments. Nothing else comes to mind right now.

Author:  Mike [ August 19th, 2007, 12:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shane, Brad, and I are going there now... I hope some other people show up :)

Author:  Dave [ August 19th, 2007, 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

That was a lot of fun. I finally learned how to play the game. I've had it for a long time but rarely played.

Lets do this more often. More people need to come though. It would have been a lot more intense with more people then 3 on 3.

Author:  Brad [ August 19th, 2007, 3:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah it was very fun, but a few more people per side would have been good. Maybe in the future we should try get people to say dates/times that'd be good for them so we can get more people.

Author:  Evelyn [ August 19th, 2007, 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I kept on getting a "Could not connect" problem.

I can view the server details though...

Author:  Dave [ August 19th, 2007, 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brad wrote:
Yeah it was very fun, but a few more people per side would have been good. Maybe in the future we should try get people to say dates/times that'd be good for them so we can get more people.

That sounds like a good idea to me. Saturdays would probably get more people. Sundays some people are going to church and have other things to do. We should try this on a Saturday and see how it turns out.

Author:  Shadow Assassin [ August 19th, 2007, 5:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wish I had Counter Strike, it sounded real fun.

Author:  Mr Pink [ August 19th, 2007, 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

The event was extremely fun, I loved it. I wish I could stick around longer.

Author:  Sebastian [ August 20th, 2007, 1:52 am ]
Post subject: 

That was really fun!
Too bad you couldnt have AWP though :\
Beatles did NOT have hax :roll:

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