Runescape Bits & Bytes

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Author:  eric570 [ November 23rd, 2004, 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  sugestion

u should make like a chat room

Author:  Adbot [ November 23rd, 2004, 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Savior [ November 23rd, 2004, 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im guessing that would be kool. RSBANDB chatroom that is run from the website. but you can only log into your user name that is registered on the forums.

Author:  eric570 [ November 24th, 2004, 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

that way instead of doing this u could go type enter and then next person already talkign to u
and who da hell voted no??????? :twisted: :evil:

Author:  Savior [ November 24th, 2004, 2:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nah you would keep the forums, because you wouldn't have to wait on someone to join the chatroom.

Author:  Gamer001 [ November 25th, 2004, 12:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Yea a chatroom would be cool, just like the on in runehq, they got a nice one.

Author:  Zach [ November 25th, 2004, 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats a good idea! Like a chat room on mIRC?

Author:  Adbot [ November 25th, 2004, 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  spyder [ December 11th, 2004, 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Set up a mIRC or Java chatroom.

Author:  Dan [ December 11th, 2004, 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maybe not IRC, but how bout a Java chat?

Author:  peeex [ December 17th, 2004, 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

a chatroom would be good. We have forums though, so we could just use a different section, but yea its worth the hard work...

Author:  Lance [ December 17th, 2004, 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea but you would need someone to watch over it or it's like saying "Abuse me" so you would need the mods checking there too and mabye a couple special ones for it. (No I am not asking to be a mod just making a suggestion for a chat room.)

Author:  nitr021 [ December 17th, 2004, 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

where is the chatroom on runehq?

Author:  zus [ December 17th, 2004, 10:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

ircs take a whole computer to host so thats not really a good idea

but there are free chat rooms out there that are excessable to everyone

Author:  Mike [ December 17th, 2004, 11:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chat rooms require a lot of resources and such, and it would require tons of moderators because chat rooms are so much harder to moderate and well it just wouldn't work out that well.

We will not be having a chat room on rsbandb. :(

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