Runescape Bits & Bytes

New Hitsplat fake kit
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Author:  WolfieMario [ December 25th, 2010, 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  New Hitsplat fake kit

Pretty much a day or two after the hitsplat change came out, I decided to start working on a new kit so they're still possible to fake. That involved a lot of screenshotting and experimenting. Now, if the stuff here looks like the stuff you see in RuneWiki's Hitsplat article, it's because I put it there :P (well, they had a few splats before I came along, but some were flawed - one guy thought that the healing splat is just a purple recolor of the damage splat :roll:. Also, none of their splats had any shadows). Anyways, here's the kit:
Yeah, it covers a lot :shock:. If that's too much to be of use to some of you, feel free to use the condensed version:
But if you get confused with anything, please refer to the "Notes on Alignment and Making Splats" section of the large kit - it covers virtually everything. Also, you may look at "Miscellaneous Sample Hitsplats" and think "hey, some of these look wrong", but I actually compared them to many hits ingame - the horizontal alignment rules aren't really as simple as I make it seem in the notes section, but I didn't want to make them even longer.
Note that in order to use this kit correctly, you have to rightclick -> Save Image As.. the kit (copy/paste will make the transparency become solid black if you're using Firefox), and you have to use a graphical editor that can use transparency (otherwise you can't fake the transparent shadows around the splats correctly).
Anyways, the font I refer to in the kit for maxed hits can be downloaded here, and its FontStruct page is here.

Author:  Adbot [ December 25th, 2010, 12:13 am ]
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Author:  Mike [ December 25th, 2010, 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Hitsplat fake kit

Wow, that is a really detailed kit :P

I didn't realize the healing splat had a different shape either but I can see from your kit that it indeed is a bit different.

Author:  trekkie [ December 25th, 2010, 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Hitsplat fake kit

This is indeed very well done. Thank you for creating this for the RS community.

Author:  Dsstriker [ March 13th, 2011, 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Hitsplat fake kit

D: must of taken loads of effort :s thanks (: ima try it

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