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Guatemalan grandma stops fall into large sinkhole
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Author:  tanyaF [ July 27th, 2011, 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Guatemalan grandma stops fall into large sinkhole

According to 65-year-old Guatemalan widow Inocenta Hernandez, her first assumed was that it was a gasoline blast of vehicle accident. Upon better investigation, Hernandez saw the earth had tried to claim her body via a sinkhole beneath her mattress. The gaping maw measured 40 feet deep and 32 inches around. Source of article - Sinkhole opens under a bed in Guatemala by

Regularly experiencing sinkholes

The experience Hernandez went through was not that unusual. It is regularly something that happens in Guatemala often times. There were three people killed in a sinkhole in 2007. It was 330 feet deep and swallowed homes and vehicles. Many ended up being evacuated. It took days. Get states that Guatemala City sees sinkholes regularly. This is after tropical storms occur. Since the city is built on volcanic deposits and has leaky sewer systems, it is particularly prone to sinkholes.

Imagined something was occurring outside

Inocenta Hernandez and her grandchildren went outside to investigate the noise. She thought that it was just a blast. It could have been an automobile accident also.

"We rushed out to look and saw nothing," she told Guatemala City reporters. "A gentleman told me that the noise came from my house, and we searched until we found it under my bed."

Not a soul was injured by the sinkhole beneath the bed, although Hernandez will likely have to move to a new house. She told local police that she was thankful that the damages were only material.

"Thank God there are only material damages because my grandchildren were running around the house, into that room and out to the patio," she said.

The information on sinkholes

When karst processes and suffusion takes place, sinkholes will happen naturally as a part of earth's natural depressions in the surface, according to Wikipedia. They could be from 3 to 2,000 feet in diameter and usually give no warning when they occur.

Watch more about sinkholes

Articles cited
AFP:, ... 4979688660,Inquisitr: ... atemalan-womans-bed/, Sinkhole Wiki:

Author:  Adbot [ July 27th, 2011, 3:16 am ]
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Author:  trekkie [ July 29th, 2011, 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guatemalan grandma stops fall into large sinkhole

i heard about it. lucky lady. last time i heard a sink hole open, it was in the middle of the street and made a very very round hole.

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