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wiki leaks founder proscuted?
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Author:  trekkie [ December 1st, 2010, 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Okay so, wiki leak founder Julian Assange is in the spotlight again for devolving more sensitive information.
While some has praised the information as positive, such as how many Arab countries want U.N to do something about Iran.
Others have also cited how China is starting to not care about North Korea is another positive step in stopping North Korea from creating nuclear weapons.

But not all have been great, some have said that many of these information are highly classified and what he did was jeopardize security.
Others such as Hillary Clinton believe that he should be prosecuted for this information.

So the questions of the Week.
Do you believe that Julian Assange did will actually help the war on terror?
Help to stop Iran and North Korea from building nuclear weapons?
And should he be prosecuted?

Author:  Adbot [ December 1st, 2010, 2:59 pm ]
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Author:  Pennstate315 [ December 1st, 2010, 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

How can he get prosecuted? He didn't do anything. He was given information and posted it on his website.

Author:  Ranging God [ December 1st, 2010, 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

I can see it both way.

He can easily been classified as a terrorist since the war documents the he has released could be gravely harmful to our military.

Author:  1 Stone Pwn [ December 1st, 2010, 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

That's the problem, there's no international law governing the information on the internet. Each post will be praised by one group and condemned by another, and there's no remotely effective way to control it, even if everyone agreed on laws and regulations for the internet. Governments need to get used to the fact that everything they say can and will be used against them.

Author:  Shane [ December 1st, 2010, 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

This just proves the internet needs regulation, it's 2010 and not 1993. The days of the wild wild web are over. Actions on the internet should be treated exactly as they would be treated in real life. He should be prosecuted. I'd even say you could classify wikileaks as aiding a terrorist organization since terrorist organizations can access the documents.

Let's put it this way:
You find a camera with surveillance videos/images on it from your country's spy agency (whatever it may be). I'm not up on my knowledge of legal proceedings in this area but I think if you find government property you have to return it? People had to return debris found from Challenger and Columbia when they found it (ie. government property). Publishing documents on wikileaks for terrorist organizations and other foreign governments to access would be the same as giving the memory card from that camera to a foreign government or terrorist organization.

This case is just showing us that the internet needs regulation. Let me just say that I do support net neutrality but the regulation I am speaking of is regulation of what kind of information can be published by law and what kind of websites can exist. Call it China or whatever you want but in this day and age it's needed.

From a technical standpoint it is possible to remove the DNS references to a website. This basically means that the website still exists but the domain name would no longer work. Governments could go a step further and enact laws that would prevent certain types of websites from being hosted on their soil. Would this work due to the mobile nature of websites? Not all that well.

For more stringent protection to happen internet filtering would have to be adopted by a worldwide body, maybe the UN?

This is just the tip of the iceberg and needs to be dealt with. I address this issue in one of my past Informer articles about what a redesigned internet would look like taking into account modern issues.

Author:  CreepyPirate [ December 1st, 2010, 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

I'm sure if you told those countries surrounding Iran it was good news they'd disagree. :lol:

Author:  Adbot [ December 1st, 2010, 10:01 pm ]
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Author:  trekkie [ December 2nd, 2010, 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

CreepyPirate wrote:
I'm sure if you told those countries surrounding Iran it was good news they'd disagree. :lol:

That's kinda my feeling as well, but I'll keep that to myself for the time being and see what people think

Author:  Duke Juker [ December 2nd, 2010, 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Shane wrote:
This just proves the internet needs regulation, it's 2010 and not 1993. The days of the wild wild web are over. Actions on the internet should be treated exactly as they would be treated in real life. He should be prosecuted. I'd even say you could classify wikileaks as aiding a terrorist organization since terrorist organizations can access the documents.

Let's put it this way:
You find a camera with surveillance videos/images on it from your country's spy agency (whatever it may be). I'm not up on my knowledge of legal proceedings in this area but I think if you find government property you have to return it? People had to return debris found from Challenger and Columbia when they found it (ie. government property). Publishing documents on wikileaks for terrorist organizations and other foreign governments to access would be the same as giving the memory card from that camera to a foreign government or terrorist organization.

This case is just showing us that the internet needs regulation. Let me just say that I do support net neutrality but the regulation I am speaking of is regulation of what kind of information can be published by law and what kind of websites can exist. Call it China or whatever you want but in this day and age it's needed.

From a technical standpoint it is possible to remove the DNS references to a website. This basically means that the website still exists but the domain name would no longer work. Governments could go a step further and enact laws that would prevent certain types of websites from being hosted on their soil. Would this work due to the mobile nature of websites? Not all that well.

For more stringent protection to happen internet filtering would have to be adopted by a worldwide body, maybe the UN?

This is just the tip of the iceberg and needs to be dealt with. I address this issue in one of my past Informer articles about what a redesigned internet would look like taking into account modern issues.

I don't think it's feasible to try and control the internet at all. Not to mention the fact that countries would have to agree to regulating the internet and some obviously wouldn't.

Here's the fact of the matter. If you believe the internet is a secure place, I got a nice piece of land for you in Antarctica. This information shouldn't be out there like this in the first place. Sure, perhaps the guy is an *** for leaking the information, but he can't be as stupid as the people who gave him the information. Goes along the same lines as "Keep your cards close to your chests." If you have information you don't think should be out there, then don't put it out there. Simple enough. If these leaks are that vital/important, this information isn't being closely guarded obviously. Assange may be at fault, but so are the people who are letting this information slip.

Author:  Sunset Fish [ December 2nd, 2010, 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

I love Julian Assange.
I find what he is doing, hilarious. really.
Now they are saying he's on the most wanted list, for a "rape" in Sweden I believe. In my opinion. they are pinning that on him as a cover. So you can put him behind bars. since governments can't do a **** thing about his leaks.

fight the power!

Author:  Shane [ December 2nd, 2010, 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Sunset Fish wrote:
I love Julian Assange.
I find what he is doing, hilarious. really.
Now they are saying he's on the most wanted list, for a "rape" in Sweden I believe. In my opinion. they are pinning that on him as a cover. So you can put him behind bars. since governments can't do a **** thing about his leaks.

fight the power!

That's the problem, it's not hilarious. Lives are at stake. Lives of human beings are at stake because of his decisions.

@Duke and anyone else who is concerned about the leaker Of course the internet isn't secure but if you were presented with information like this would you do the same, that is publish information rather than returning it to the source?

Author:  CreepyPirate [ December 2nd, 2010, 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Shane wrote:
Sunset Fish wrote:
I love Julian Assange.
I find what he is doing, hilarious. really.
Now they are saying he's on the most wanted list, for a "rape" in Sweden I believe. In my opinion. they are pinning that on him as a cover. So you can put him behind bars. since governments can't do a **** thing about his leaks.

fight the power!

That's the problem, it's not hilarious. Lives are at stake. Lives of human beings are at stake because of his decisions.

@Duke and anyone else who is concerned about the leaker Of course the internet isn't secure but if you were presented with information like this would you do the same, that is publish information rather than returning it to the source?

Lives are at stake because of the American Governments inability to secure documents*

I happen to agree with Duke. You don't see other countries being this careless. Don't blame the middle man blame the source.

Author:  Brimmk [ December 2nd, 2010, 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

I kinda have to agree with Shane for the most part, it's not really hilarious and some people's lives are at stake. Some of the documents are truly very interesting, like the fact that other middle-eastern countries are also nervous about Iran being nuclear (as they should be, super-fundamentalist anythings and possible WMD's or dirty bombs are not something you want together). The irony here is you don't see other countries being "this careless", but they are usually just as if not more, it's just there are less people that either can or will get the word out (ex. China w/ censorship).

On the other hand, if you were to just find a briefcase full of top-secret documents belonging to, let's say the CIA, you probably read what's in it and then either give it back to them, sell it back to the CIA or sell it so someone else then flee the country. I think this just is one more example that shows the need of both an Internet Government (with security officers and other agents). Along with a complete internet rework with resources for these agents and office-holders, more IP adresses, and an easier, more practical and safer navigation system that would be much harder to spoof or phish with.

Steve Gibson for President of the Internet

Author:  ryan1 [ December 2nd, 2010, 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Meh. How much should we let the government hide from us? Some things, like troop positioning, are obviously things that shouldn't be released. Other things deserve to be out there. Why should our governments be able to hide anything they want from us? Don't we have the right to know about most of this stuff?

Author:  Warren [ December 2nd, 2010, 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Harper advisor (or something) Tom Flanagan is urging for the assassination of this guy. And I agree, Tom Flanagan should be assassinated. Wait, I guess that's not agreeing with him. Just kidding, no one should assassinate anyone. But I do agree Tom Flangan should loose his positions. Honestly you can't just go out on TV and call for or encourage the murder of anyone, even if you don't like them.

I hear from one of my acquaintances that the University of Ottawa blocks access to the website. Hurray for censorship in legitimate academic institutions.

Maybe if you just classified the stuff that is a danger to safety if it is the knowledge of everyone until a later date but released everything else, 1. you could better protect what needs to be protected from being released 2. wouldn't be a need to leak it.
Or maybe if you actually secured the info then you wouldn't have to try to go after people and pretend that will make it all better because of your errors. If he should be prosecuted, everyone that lead to however he got the documents should be prosecuted with the same penalty.

Author:  CreepyPirate [ December 2nd, 2010, 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wiki leaks founder proscuted?

Brimmk wrote:
I kinda have to agree with Shane for the most part, it's not really hilarious and some people's lives are at stake. Some of the documents are truly very interesting, like the fact that other middle-eastern countries are also nervous about Iran being nuclear (as they should be, super-fundamentalist anythings and possible WMD's or dirty bombs are not something you want together). The irony here is you don't see other countries being "this careless", but they are usually just as if not more, it's just there are less people that either can or will get the word out (ex. China w/ censorship).

On the other hand, if you were to just find a briefcase full of top-secret documents belonging to, let's say the CIA, you probably read what's in it and then either give it back to them, sell it back to the CIA or sell it so someone else then flee the country. I think this just is one more example that shows the need of both an Internet Government (with security officers and other agents). Along with a complete internet rework with resources for these agents and office-holders, more IP adresses, and an easier, more practical and safer navigation system that would be much harder to spoof or phish with.

Steve Gibson for President of the Internet

Why do you guys always presume other countries are the same there just not "free" enough to abuse it? What about the entire European continent? Australia? Japan? Canada? You can guarentee your gov isn't alone in records like this. I'm betting almost all countries have them. Guarentee we do.

Taking care of him will do nothing. Someone else will step up and take over. Gotta solve the actual problem and that's the information getting out to people like this guy.

As for policing the internet. How? Whos in charge of that then? How do you control something like the internet? They can't even stop films being leaked or albums and they put people in prison for that ****. No chance in hell they'll have any effect. It'll be a huge drain on money and people.

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