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Gp vs Xp
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Author:  FishFish [ September 9th, 2013, 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Gp vs Xp

So recently I've been noticing a lot of players with super low levels that have a super high amount of gp, and that got me thinking; why do I focus on levels? To me, gp has always just been a means to an end. I often have a cashpile of under 200k because I spend it all on skills to gain more and more experience. There has to be though, people that play in the complete reverse; the money is the goal and the levels are the means. So, here I am, asking you what you play for. What is your goal, gp or xp?

Author:  Adbot [ September 9th, 2013, 1:24 am ]
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Author:  Jasonmrc [ September 9th, 2013, 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gp vs Xp


Runescape has never been about cash nor experience to me. Honestly I think that's the problem nowadays. People are playing for either cash or XP. That's it. They aren't playing to have fun or hang out with friends. They play to reach an undefinable amount of cash or XP.

I rarely have much cash, but that's because I don't need much. My skills are decent, though not all maxed, but each has a reason for where they are.

I did not vote because none of them fits me. Could you add a "To have Fun" or "To Play"?

Author:  Pyrnassius [ September 12th, 2013, 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gp vs Xp

To me, its all about fun.. if i am not having fun, I am not going to play. I chase xp just to gain levels so i can do more in game. In all honesty, I find the gp usually comes with the xp if you train every skill yourself and dont try to "buy" it. My fishing got me my cooking, hunter gained me summoning secondaries, mining gave me smithing, crafting and prayer came from combat when killing dragons etc.

Author:  Estor [ September 12th, 2013, 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gp vs Xp

Well, when I did play it was all about balance. I'm not really sure what I strived for. I was kind of lazy in the sense of how I never wanted to commit too much of my time to the game or do something I really didn't want to do. I always wanted better and better levels but I was always conscious about my cash pile, trying to keep it above some level (like 80M, and if I even went below that that would be like a huge deal to me). I didn't like spending money and always tried doing things the cheapest way, trying to save money while getting xp. The only time I ever spent a lot of money was on construction (you kind-of have to), but I tried saving money best I could, by making runs to the sawmill over and over again to get my own oak planks. Other than that I pretty much tried to get everything from scratch such as fishing my own stuff for cooking, I might loose profit by cooking the fish instead of selling them raw, but I got them myself so it's still xp and some money. Other than that farming was my method of keeping my cash pile high.

Author:  trekkie [ September 14th, 2013, 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gp vs Xp

I quit the game a few years ago because i was not happy with the game. what ended up happening was i doing in the game just to do chores. when that started happening i wasn't having fun with the game, i was coming onto the game just to do it. but now, i am able to have fun again and some things are nice to do. i am not the super wealthy but i can say i have a good set of gaming friends with me.

Author:  Estor [ September 15th, 2013, 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gp vs Xp

trekkie wrote:
i was not happy with the game. what ended up happening was i doing in the game just to do chores. when that started happening i wasn't having fun with the game, i was coming onto the game just to do it.

Exactly how I felt before quitting RS.

Author:  Adbot [ September 15th, 2013, 2:57 pm ]
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Author:  Uncle Dano [ September 17th, 2013, 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gp vs Xp

A good strategy that I used is to gain xp while at the same time making a profit off of the skill. Also to work skills together (mining/smithing, woodcutting/firemaking/fletching, fishing/cooking, etc.). Tends to be a bit slower, but much less tedious and boring as you have variety.

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