Runescape Bits & Bytes

The Truth About Mining
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Author:  Valkor [ January 22nd, 2005, 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  The Truth About Mining

i'm a dedicated RPG player and knows the tricks of gaining levels without any form of cheating. it only takes time and patience of doing a task repeatedly.

after seven months and a week of rs existence, i came up with these conclusions.

1) the claim that weight, strength, pick and mining levels ensure getting the ore is a farce. mining levels only limits a miner on what he/she can mine. a level 30 mining coal can outmine a rune pick. even a 70s miner beats me in getting that addy.

2) mining without armor and weapon is the baddest idea. it is true that you won't run farther but will miss out on golem drops. the rock golem drops runite ore, bar and rune picks. i personally got my first runite ore from a golem. so far, i got runite ore three times and rune pick three times. fighting a golem is a nice time filler while waiting for the ore to respawn.

3) most populated world is the best place to mine. yup it sure is. more people means fastest respawning rate. the competition get the adrenaline flowing. world 1 is best 24/7. it is in fact my home for mining.

4) i categorize miners into 3: powerminers, world hoppers and superheaters. world hoppers in my opinion the lamest miner i've ever seen. i become this class of miner for runite only. hanging out by your lonesome at the rocks waiting for it to respawn is too risky. powerminer is not bad per se but if you want to train smithing then throw it out the window. superheating is best because you mine a lot in one load which is equivalent to 5 loads and take out the furnace. it trains 3 skills in one go.

inventory space: 28
weapon - 1
pick - 1
natures - 22 (space will be available when done)
addy bars - 20 (drop an addy bar, get a coal, superheat and pickup bar)
mith bars - 2
addy ores - 2
mith/coal - 2

mining exp
addy bar = 395 times 20 = 7,900
mith bar = 280 times 2 = 560
2 addy ore = 190
2 mith = 160
total: 8,810 for 154 ores mined

comment: simply awesome

why would i reveal the trick? it is quite simple. when i go to the top of the mining ranks easily is too boring. having someone that tries to compete with me is more exciting. this is a friendly competition not about hostilities.

bring out your main because roklav is here. i started playing june 14, 2004.

Author:  Adbot [ January 22nd, 2005, 4:15 pm ]
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Author:  garm22 [ January 22nd, 2005, 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh bravo =D> i've been needing a guide like this. i can mine alright but i've been lacking in the smithing department and this might help.

Author:  Dan [ January 22nd, 2005, 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cool, I never know that rocks respawned faster on more populated worlds lolol

Author:  pika69 [ January 22nd, 2005, 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jagex has some explaining to do...

Author:  Valkor [ January 22nd, 2005, 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

technically, mining is screwed since it all depends on luck and finger power. multiple clicks on the rock is ruining it all. watch closely when you mine. you can see the crazy miner animation. there is a rhythm to the act of mining.

i'm really frustrated with this but i'm still mining. also, bad connection is not beneficial. if you're not careful, you won't see the smoking rock effects. this is one reason why you get a blasted pick.

Author:  Rocket2004 [ January 22nd, 2005, 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont really get your guide

and when rock golem attacks you.. it is likely they will drop crap instead of rune stuff

and also... all the worlds are created the same, except members and free world.. so i dont think ores respawn faster in world 1

world 1 is popular because it's market.. not the mining guild

Author:  Adbot [ January 22nd, 2005, 5:56 pm ]
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Author:  Steve [ January 22nd, 2005, 6:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it does respawn faster in a more populated world that will be good, never knew that before. And I kill all my golems with my trusty rune pic and beserker helm, no rune or dragon, I use prayer, and I get no rune items, I got iron ore once, but thats about it.

Author:  Rocket2004 [ January 22nd, 2005, 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rocket2004 wrote:
I dont really get your guide

and when rock golem attacks you.. it is likely they will drop crap instead of rune stuff

and also... all the worlds are created the same, except members and free world.. so i dont think ores respawn faster in world 1

world 1 is popular because it's market.. not the mining guild

also i would like to add

When u fight random event monsters u only gain 1 xp per hit instead of 4

and also... if u wear armours.... and u fight rock golem... let's use u as an example... u have 94 mining currently... from whatever level u started to fight golem.. all u got is 3 rune picks and 3 runite ores.. that's like what 70 k?? instead u use the time to mine coals or other ores and run a little longer.. u would get mroe than 70 k

Author:  Zach [ January 22nd, 2005, 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very nice guide! =D>
The Best ive ever gotten from a rock golem is addy ore......

Author:  Valkor [ January 23rd, 2005, 5:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Rocket2004 wrote:
I dont really get your guide

and when rock golem attacks you.. it is likely they will drop crap instead of rune stuff

and also... all the worlds are created the same, except members and free world.. so i dont think ores respawn faster in world 1

world 1 is popular because it's market.. not the mining guild

try clocking the time when the ore respawn like coal, mith or addy when you mine at world 1 and at a less populated world. world one is great since most go to the market, not mining.

it is the same for monsters. more people means faster respawn. it makes it continuous.

true that i waste time to fight a golem but it provides a change in a boring routine, mining coals is so boring, mine and bank over and over again. fighting a golem is a break from all that and if you're lucky, can get good stuff.

Author:  marf8 [ January 23rd, 2005, 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 

yah im a little confused with your guide, please explain it more.

like start as if you were going to your bank to get the supples you needed, then you go to miners guild to get coal, or mith or addy, etc...

Author:  Rocket2004 [ January 23rd, 2005, 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 


You said bad connection is not good for mining correct??

and you also said that the more people in a world, the better.. cuz ores respawn faster..

Don't u think this conflicts... more people... really lags(especially world 1)... that's bad connection right there... and you are saying bad connection is not good idea and u telling people to go to bad connection world??

3) most populated world is the best place to mine. yup it sure is. more people means fastest respawning rate. the competition get the adrenaline flowing. world 1 is best 24/7. it is in fact my home for mining.

i'm really frustrated with this but i'm still mining. also, bad connection is not beneficial. if you're not careful, you won't see the smoking rock effects. this is one reason why you get a blasted pick.

Author:  Dan [ January 23rd, 2005, 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

True, more populated worlds = more lag...

but if the ores do respawn faster, that'd be a benefit

Author:  Lance [ January 23rd, 2005, 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pends on your net connection!

Author:  Zach [ January 23rd, 2005, 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ya i guess its a good choice to choose populated servers if you have a good network connection, but i have a o.k. connection so thas not really an option for me :P

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