Runescape Bits & Bytes

Your view on giving accounts away when quiting?
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Author:  merlin6and17 [ December 7th, 2007, 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Our views are unimportant on the matter. Jagex makes the rules, we all agree to abide by them when we create an account.

To theorize about what situations we would allow this or not is not realistic. Who would police this? Is anyone one here "all-knowing" and could see mystically into anothers heart and know intent?

The rules are what the rules are. We agree to play by them or terminate our agreement with the game provider and quit.

Author:  Adbot [ December 7th, 2007, 1:50 pm ]
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Author:  Sidespin [ December 7th, 2007, 2:21 pm ]
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Yeah all of these ideas make sense. Just to clarify, I would NEVER give my account away and I was jw what everyone thought on the matter

Author:  MetalManiac9 [ December 7th, 2007, 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I remember this guy named Barbarid that joined my clan.
During the day he asked the weirdest most nooby questions.
He was level 126 so he's supposed to know that stuff.

Some time later we had a war against The Titans, our most epic war.
It was a full-out official war so no returning allowed.
But it appeared Barbarid returned after all.

My point is, let people train their own accounts.
And an account is a piece you created, don't just give it away.

Also one of my best mates quit Runescape.
He was top 300 total so he had a pretty good account.
After he quit he sold his account for a lot of money which made me sorta sad.

Author:  specterfreak [ December 7th, 2007, 9:07 pm ]
Post subject: 


Why do we have this rule?

We have this rule for two reasons:

* Firstly, many of the accounts people try to sell are actually accounts they have stolen, so, by buying the account you are helping them profit from their crime, and encouraging them to do it more!
* Secondly, this rule is for your protection, as people who share accounts run the risk that the person using the account won't give it back, or that the person will break a game rule causing your account to be banned.

What about swapping my account with another player?

This is considered account trading, so it is not allowed under the game rules.

Can I sell the 'time' I have put into the account?

No. Under the game rules each account should only be used by one person. This applies throughout the lifetime of that account. In order to sell the 'time' you have put into an account, you would have to transfer or lend the account to someone else, thereby breaking the game rules.

My 'brother/sister/friend/other' borrowed my account and broke a rule and now it's banned: Please can you unban it?

Account sharing is not allowed, so if you break this rule and do so anyway you will be responsible for the consequences. The offence won't be removed because you shouldn't have let someone else use your account in the first place.

I share my account with a family member and/or friend, is that allowed?

No, this is not allowed. Sharing your account with anyone, including family members and/or friends, means that you are breaking a game rule and can lead to your account being banned.

I have seen an account for sale on Ebay, what should I do?

Please rest assured that members of Jagex staff check all known auction sites on a daily basis to ensure that no RuneScape accounts are sold via online auctioning web sites.

It should be remembered that all accounts (and items) remain the property of Jagex at all times, and we will not hesitate to remove such items from the game if we have evidence that rule breaking has taken place.

Author:  Alex 43 [ December 8th, 2007, 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

The way I see it, when you create and train a character, it is YOURS. No one elses, YOURS. Giving characters away is just another way of ... not spoiling, but giving someone else what you should be taking credit for.

Plus, would I tolerate someone pretending to be me? No! Potential identity theft.

Just my opinion. Contradict it as you will, I still think that nobody deserves to get for free what you've worked so hard to create.

Author:  Red Spear1 [ December 8th, 2007, 5:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

A friend of mine quit and gave his account away, but like most people he came back. He asked for the account back, the person he gave it to (his friend) said no, causing them to fall out.

Pretty much things like this just make it a bad idea, I really don't see the point of it.

Author:  Adbot [ December 8th, 2007, 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear

Author:  Sidespin [ December 8th, 2007, 5:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah I see why doing this will just hurt yourself in the end

Author:  Doc Bender [ December 9th, 2007, 5:29 am ]
Post subject: 

If everyone gave there account to someone else when they quit the ecomy would crash, or at least suffer a bit. Whys this? Well people would not need some items as they have the levels to get them on there own or there level higher and that item would show now perpose.
Not to mention, like most of you said, it is against the rules so well it shouldn't be done. Simple as that.
If you join the game and your allready a highish lvl and allready have all the good items it would suck. You would miss out on so much fun that you expresince during the lvls. You wouldn't know how to do half the stuff as well. Could you imagen a lvl 126 with 99 smithing comeing up to you and asking 'How Do I Make A Rune Sword?' it would just be stupid.

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