Runescape Bits & Bytes

Why Runescape?
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Author:  Reddre [ February 11th, 2005, 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Runescape members is indeed great. There are other games i would and have sent money on, example: halo 2 and xbox live.

I recently got mercenaries wich that game ill be playing for months:)

Also, i no longer have ps2 so i cant play grand theft auto san andreas but i loved the GTA series and i played them for months.

Although i couldent say i would if i didnt cheat on them:) just because thats what makes all shooters fun is cheating. Unlike runescape, runescape has realy no need for cheating but many would do it if they had the chance. :cry:

Author:  Adbot [ February 11th, 2005, 11:30 am ]
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Author:  spyder [ February 11th, 2005, 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just like runescape, you could take away my PS2, GameCube, X-Box and GameBoy and I wouldn't really mind, just give me RuneScape and I'm set. It's such a big game that it's fun, my friends are getting bored of it and I can see why, but that's because they haven't made some great friends on there.

Author:  Jeff [ February 19th, 2005, 9:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Blckbio wrote:
What i have notice is most the people that "hate" runescape because they never got use to it. Like I was talking to a buddy of mine in real life. I asked him "have you ever played runescape??" and his reply was this "Yes I did for a month I hated it, such a stupid game." I then reply "hmmm, okay what made you hate it so much?" He said something about how he could never get past lvl 20 or something like that and it was to hard to get money. So thats what I have to say about most ppl that hate runescape, they just never got it. :lol:

Thats true..Ppl at my school go like this to ppl who play Runescape: "You play Runescape?".."Yeah, Why?".."Oh my god, you such a loser!"..
Hate when ppl say stuff like that..Someone just told me that this Friday..

Author:  Crysala [ February 20th, 2005, 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

RUNESCAPE RULES!! i know what you mean reddre..ive played other games before but rune is something ill play forever. i have really good friends who play with me which just adds to the already great experience lol. and ye its even better if your a member cos you get even more if the free stuff wasnt enough! lol...and stanley...did you ever think about those people that say ur a loser for playing rune...1) what they are missing out on....and 2) they would have had to play rune for a bit or at least visit the site to know what it is! lol

Author:  Jeff [ February 20th, 2005, 12:33 am ]
Post subject: 

crysala wrote:
RUNESCAPE RULES!! i know what you mean reddre..ive played other games before but rune is something ill play forever. i have really good friends who play with me which just adds to the already great experience lol. and ye its even better if your a member cos you get even more if the free stuff wasnt enough! lol...and stanley...did you ever think about those people that say ur a loser for playing rune...1) what they are missing out on....and 2) they would have had to play rune for a bit or at least visit the site to know what it is! lol

Yeah. They don't even know the game is about and just heard some ppl said Runescape sucks and then they start saying with other ppl...

You can't do anything to let me quit Runescape...

Author:  Crysala [ February 20th, 2005, 12:41 am ]
Post subject: 

haha yea...bloody sheep lol....
no one could keep me from rune accept well i cant say lol...but i bet you all know who haha

Author:  Adbot [ February 20th, 2005, 12:41 am ]
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Author:  Reddre [ February 20th, 2005, 2:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I havent had friends online since the middle of rsc... shame i guess...

But i made some enemys and uhm... i like runescape...

Author:  Crysala [ February 20th, 2005, 2:16 am ]
Post subject: 

haha ye dont we all? and thats a same you havent made any surprised cos u seem pretty likeable lol. and ye i know what you mean about enemies...ive made my fair few i can tell you that! but its always good to have someone to hate on rune cos then you can annoy them if ur bored lol

Author:  Reddre [ February 20th, 2005, 2:21 am ]
Post subject: 

i like myself.. that sounds.. disturbing... anyway.. its just hard to keep a friend on RS because meeting people on RS is like meeting a stranger for 2mins then leaving..

The friends i had online back in rsc were from a chat i went to dayly.. we were all newbs at the time and were getting wasted by moss giants...

This was a bit befor phats came out and a little bit after... anyway we all split up after that.

I dont pitty myself though... im use to being a loner.. sometimes its fun like everything else and sometimes its not.

Anyways, i play runescape because i have a goal in it now.. i'm not sure what it is though.. i'm sure when i hit it.. ill know it:)

Author:  Crysala [ February 20th, 2005, 2:24 am ]
Post subject: 

lol fair enuf...i guess thats valid but its never cool to be a loner...even the lonerest of all loners has at least one friend lol...doesnt mean they hang with them or talk to them or whatever but they have at least 1 friend lol

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