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Having trouble with my SSD in my laptop.
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Author:  Killjoy [ August 21st, 2012, 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Having trouble with my SSD in my laptop.

So I got my new Asus G53SW and took the HDD (saved that) and put two new hard drives in. (It has two HD bays)
I am using a 500GB for all data storage and a 128GB for the OS. (Windows 7 Home Premium)
The problem I have having right now is that when my laptop is in Hibernate mode it won't restore windows (gets stuck on the little "Resuming Windows" Screen) and I have to hold down the power button to restart it. (This happens about 90% of the time. The other 10% it works as it should)

I tried setting it so when I close the laptop it goes into standby mode. (Works sometimes) But after about 5 hours or so it puts itself into Hibernate mode automatically and I can't seem to stop it.

I was wondering if anyone had this problems with their SSD and if they found a solution.


Author:  Adbot [ August 21st, 2012, 1:27 pm ]
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Author:  Pfkninenines [ August 21st, 2012, 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble with my SSD in my laptop.

You can dig into the Power Settings in Windows and change it so that it either doesn't switch to hibernate (or just disable it completely) or that it doesn't switch off until the battery is almost dead, but that unfortunately doesn't solve your problem.

We've had a ton of laptops with the same issue at the shop, and usually it comes down to the hibernate function being shoddy. We usually disable it if people have had issues, and they don't seem to complain that they use Sleep instead of Hibernate. With this being said, I don't think it's necessarily due to the SSD. None of the machines we've had issues with have them, so I would generally say they're unrelated. It's probably a power state issue, perhaps one of the drives isn't re-initializing properly (or something else besides a drive), but it's hard to say. If you can, try checking the Event Viewer and look for what was going on around the time you've had to do a hard-reset on your laptop. That might lead to the true culprit.

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