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Router Issues
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Author:  Sev [ November 8th, 2009, 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Router Issues

So I have a Linksys WRT54G2 Wired router and it has served me good for almost 3 or so months now. But as of lately it has been disconnecting my whole network with no explanation as to why. I have tried many things that have provided no fix. I have:

1) Moved it to a cooler spot, I thought it was heating problem because the bottom with mildly warm.
2) Adjusted my MTU number but no fix still. I changed it back to the standard 1500.
3) Check my cable connections, all secure.
4) Checked my modem to see if that was the problem, but my modem went over 48 hours without even a smudge in connection lose.
5) Updating Firmware, didn't do anything much.

As I said it disconnects my whole network and my "Network Magic" program says it cant find the router. Unplugging the the power cable and plugging it back in fixes the problem, but only for an hour to a day (it turns off at the most random times). O please do help, my guildies on WoW are getting very angry at me and playing MW2 in a week is going to be a huge pain in the **** if my connection isn't 100% stable.

Plz help gud surs.

Author:  Adbot [ November 8th, 2009, 3:37 am ]
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Author:  Pfkninenines [ November 8th, 2009, 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Router Issues

The router I've got worked very well for the first 6 months or so, then we started having problems of it crashing, similar to your problems. I ended up putting DD-WRT (a new firmware) on the router, and we haven't had any problems in about a month. It unlocked some new features as well, and I did turn up the power to the antennas to push the signal a bit further.

I looked it up at the DD-WRT Router Database and of the 3 different model versions, only the 1.0 is supported. Try turning the router upside down and looking at the sticker. If it says V1.0, or doesn't say it has a version, it's probably the version 1.0 router. Unfortunately, if it's anything newer, you're out of luck with DD-WRT.

Author:  Aquw VettelS 776 [ November 9th, 2009, 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Router Issues

I've had a very similar problem to this before. My conclusion was over-heating.

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