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Heavy Metal / Techno
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Author:  Undew0rld [ December 12th, 2010, 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Heavy Metal / Techno

I'm a big fan of music,

I myself have around 15k songs on my computer, pretty much some industrial, metal and techno. Some soundtracks of some games cause some of their music is pretty good.
I'd like to know if anybody is as fan as me and would maybe have any band to suggest me ;) I have a good bunch already but impress me i guess! :)
Always searching for new band to discover but it's getting pretty hard now with the ammount i have :P

Author:  Adbot [ December 12th, 2010, 10:03 am ]
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Author:  Mike [ December 12th, 2010, 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavy Metal / Techno

With 15k songs, it will be hard to come up with anything you don't already have. I like metal but I consider consider most of my music pretty common, so it's likely you already have it.

The most recent band I've had recommended to me is Celldweller. I'm surprised I hadn't heard of them before but I like them.

I'd like to get into techno, but I've never found any I liked.

Author:  Undew0rld [ December 13th, 2010, 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavy Metal / Techno

Celldweller is a band i really like :) I'v been waiting forever for their new album and finally it's coming out slowly. Instead of just releasing on 1cd he decided to break it into 5 small chapters of 2 songs. So 6 songs are out so far out of 10. Pretty good songs tho :)

Author:  Sunset Fish [ December 14th, 2010, 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavy Metal / Techno

Crush40 is a pretty unknown band. know manly for their music work with Sonic. ( sounds like U2 )

Author:  Marking22 [ December 14th, 2010, 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavy Metal / Techno

I will name 5 bands but I think you have probably heard all of these bands.
Asking Alexandria
Children Of Bodom

Author:  Kapoof [ December 18th, 2010, 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavy Metal / Techno

Crystal Castles is a good techno band if you like chiptunes, they have two albums out.
The first one is more chiptune-y than the second, they're both good albums though.

Author:  Adbot [ December 18th, 2010, 10:59 pm ]
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Author:  Warren [ December 22nd, 2010, 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heavy Metal / Techno

Lol since you have so much I suppose it is okay to blur genres a little.. Well Propagandhi is punk or was punk their newer albums are moving closer to metalish or thrash I don't really care about genres I still call them punk. XD
Anyways if you found any like in them it would probably be towards their last 2 albums but their second last album might be a bit of a stretch.. Since the rest are very punk.

Their last album was Supporting Caste

My favourite on it is Dear Coaches Corner which is about militarism integration into professional sports.

The Last Will and Testament is good too (only one on utube audio quality seems off it might not be tho)

So is Night Letters

Supporting Caste

I wouldn't link this one to show off a band but it is my video and has OVER 9000 views haha not necessarily the best song

There may be some stuff on Potemkin City Limits that you might like but I don't think you will like the other albums unless you want to get into some punk stuff.
This is my favourite album from them and also despite having all their albums, it was one that I didn't really discover until a long time after having it.

My favourite song on it was Bringer of Greater Things about the treatment of Natives even in modern times... the line "The city cops, a sub zero night. A midnight ride out of town. The passenger was found frozen to the snow." refers to the death of Niel Stonechild and a bunch of other Aboriginals in Saskatoon where the police would pick them because of their ethnicity in winter like -30° C weather without adequate clothing and drive them out to a power plant or something out of the city and left them to walk back.. which only surfaced when one of them actually survived... back in the 90s

But that favouritism is now tied with Fixed Frequencies

Cut into the Earth is worth listening from like 1:47 to 2:30 because I feel when I focused around those times I gained so much more appreciation for that song.

I don't know what else to link from that album since I really like it all. But there are more songs that are punkier than supporting caste on that album I guess depending how you define punk.

Anyways this is whole speaking with out a clear idea of what classifies as what genre... I classify the genres of my albums by the genre the band they're by has made a name of themselves in. So while Propagandhi has gone more metally I still classify it as punk.

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