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Author:  Regnenth [ September 5th, 2010, 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Legality?

ok, so i have a few CD's ve bought but i dont want to keep them in my car becasue i have a phobia of them getting stolen. so i was wondering what are the exact legalities of making copies of the CDs to listen to in my car?

Author:  Adbot [ September 5th, 2010, 7:02 pm ]
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Author:  1 Stone Pwn [ September 5th, 2010, 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

I mean, if you bought them and you aren't selling them, I think that's ok.
If not, a SWAT team should burst in my window about now...

Author:  Davo [ September 5th, 2010, 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

It's for personal use, correct? I do not think there is anything wrong with that. As mentioned above, you are not selling them. I believe iTunes lets you burn a hard copy of an album you buy on their store only 5 times. If it was really against the law, they would not let you do that. Even with those provisions though you could still give it to a friend or sell it. So I really don't think they are too concerned about it. If you get stopped at a checkpoint, I don't think the cop will ask you to step out of the car for a copied CD. :P

Author:  Earth [ September 5th, 2010, 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?


Should be fine. If for some reason you do get in trouble just be sure you can produce the original CD :wink:

Author:  Iron Maiden [ September 5th, 2010, 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

Yeah really. FBI will break to your house arrest you because you copied a CD that you already own the rights.

No lol. My grand father used to think the message in most of DVDs saying DO NOT COPY THIS - FBI, meant the FBI was spying him XD

As long as you own the original CD, you can copy it to yourself (Means you can't sell it, but can give away to people you know). Because you've *bought* the rights. So you're 100% legal. And even if it wasn't, do you seriously think FBI,Swat or Police will care? lol.

Author:  Kenny [ September 5th, 2010, 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

Technically, you break the law everytime you burn a CD onto your computer because you aren't legally allowed to make copies. I sometimes lend CDs to my friends, or make copies of CDs for friends but I don't see it as illegal, I'm not gaining anything from it. They just want a particular album or some new music and I provide them with it. Playing copies of CDs in your car is probably something they'd encourage to lower crime.

Author:  Adbot [ September 5th, 2010, 11:39 pm ]
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Author:  dafin0 [ September 5th, 2010, 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

Iron Maiden wrote:
Yeah really. FBI will break to your house arrest you because you copied a CD that you already own the rights.

No lol. My grand father used to think the message in most of DVDs saying DO NOT COPY THIS - FBI, meant the FBI was spying him XD

As long as you own the original CD, you can copy it to yourself (Means you can't sell it, but can give away to people you know). Because you've *bought* the rights. So you're 100% legal. And even if it wasn't, do you seriously think FBI,Swat or Police will care? lol.

Hate to be a major pain #-o

Giving copies of music away to people you know would still technically be illegal because, all of those people are individuals by law (even if you know all of them personally or, arent gaining anything from it). Each one of them has to buy the music cd/dvd to own their portion of the rights to listen to the song. Unless there are exception(s), it wouldn't be different from burning a movie dvd, and burning a copy for freinds. Also, if you burned a copy for playing in a car, that would be illegal as well. The thing here is "rights". you own the rights to your copy of the cd. But, anyone else donsen't have the right to have a copied version of your cd. THey have the right to buy one.

This site has everything you need to know:

Cheers, dafin0 :lol:

Author:  1 Stone Pwn [ September 6th, 2010, 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

That said, it's nearly impossible to get caught, unless you did something like selling CDs outside of a concert, and they probably wouldn't even arrest you or anything then. It's insignificant compared to downloading like 30,000 songs off of Limewire or something. Unless the police have absolutely nothing better to do, I don't think they'll come after you.

Author:  Ranging God [ September 6th, 2010, 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

Making copies for personal use is okay I think. They are not out to get people like you, so dont worry

Author:  Killjoy [ September 6th, 2010, 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

How would they ever catch you first of all?

You make me look like the **** devil with that. Lmao

Author:  Davo [ September 6th, 2010, 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

I think they are more concerned about the "stealing" aspect of it. You bought the rights to the CD. You did not illegally download the CD. That is what they will get you for. Or at least attempt to get you for.

Author:  Regnenth [ September 6th, 2010, 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

see im wondering about the legalities because i drive to school and in order to be allowed to park in the schools parking lot, students have to sign a paper applying for a permit, and a form that says that at any point in time the administration can pull you out of class to unlock your car and go through it to make sure you are not possessing weapons, illegal drugs, etc. and i would be worried about by car getting searched and someone seeing a ton of copies of CD's and it turning into a big thing on how i got them

Author:  dafin0 [ September 6th, 2010, 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

Regnenth wrote:
see im wondering about the legalities because i drive to school and in order to be allowed to park in the schools parking lot, students have to sign a paper applying for a permit, and a form that says that at any point in time the administration can pull you out of class to unlock your car and go through it to make sure you are not possessing weapons, illegal drugs, etc. and i would be worried about by car getting searched and someone seeing a ton of copies of CD's and it turning into a big thing on how i got them

If you own a mp3 player, put some of those songs on it. If you go to walmart or any major department store, ask for a mp3 attachment cord that plugs into the cd player (if the one in your car has a input for it).

Or you could choose a few that you like and take them instead, and leave the rest at home 8).

Cheers, dafin0 :lol:

Author:  Duke Juker [ September 7th, 2010, 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

Nothing wrong with making copies of CDs. In fact, that's also a great way to make mixes of great songs instead of just listening to one CD by one band with all their songs. No problem at all. Only time there is a legal issue is when you basically give away the music to other people or sell it to them., the latter being the worse of the two in the music industries eyes, but both practices are illegal. Just find a middle man you can work through so no one can link it directly to you. xD

Author:  Iron Maiden [ September 7th, 2010, 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Legality?

All in all, who doesn't make copies anyway? It's like downloading music, everyone says it's illegal, but who cares lol?

Police is amazing, they might never be able to catch people who were growing weed and they try to make us believe we'll get arrested if we ever copy a CD at home.


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